Chapter 2: Meeting Logic and Fear

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A few minutes ended up being a hour before Katie came back but like last time she didn't come alone, but unlike last time she came with two traits instead of only one. The first things I saw about the both of them was their body language, one stood straight and wore purple edged glasses and a smart looking purple dress, the other trait looked sightly younger and was wearing a black hoodie with purple ripped jeans and was hiding behind the dress wearing trait and was gripping onto their arm like it was a life line.

"Hey Snow, I'm back and I have two more traits for you to meet, this one" she points to the trait with the glasses and dress " is Logic also known as Talia and this one" She points to the younger one "is Fear, Fear is kinda in one of her bad fear episodes so  if you start to feel like your scared for no apparent reason then tell me and Ill take her back to the mindscape so Anxiety can help her calm down a bit" Snow would nod in understanding "yeah ok, I'll tell you if it happens" This time it was Katie who nods before she starts to talk.

"Ok, so do you want to ask them some of your questions? and if you have any more questions for them then you can ask them just try and keep the questions for Fear kinda simple since she isn't very talkative when she in in this state"

"ok I understand, uh well my first question is how old are you two? if you dont want to answer then that's fine" Snow would look towards Talia and Fear, Talia would be looking at Fear and whispering to them before looking at Snow and answering "no the question is fine,and before I start Fear has asked me to answer the questions for her because she doesn't want to talk at the moment, anyway when it comes to age I am mentally in my twenties making me one of the oldest traits but my 'real age is the same as yours, 17" Talia would catch her breath before continuing "and Fear here is mentally around the age of 4 or 5, she is still able to do everything a 15 year old can do just her mental age and her trait makes it harder for her to do it"

Snow would nod "so Fear is a little? unless I have my information wrong, and since your mental age is older that your 'actual age' then your smarter I am guessing? it would make sense since your trait is logic" Talia would look at Fear for a few seconds while mouthing words to Fear and only looked back up to Snow once she got a nod from Fear.

Once she did Talia would say "well your correct, Fear is a little so your observation was correct,and yes because I'm the embodiment of your logic and I'm also the second oldest when it comes to mental age, oh and when Fear here goes into little space it's mostly me,anxiety and Anna who are her caretakers though if we need help then we can just ask a few of the others and they will help with what we need help with"

Snow would smile while nodding in understanding "ah ok, hmm if she doesn't want to answer then that's fine but is it ok if I ask what Fears name is?" as Snow finishes asking the question she would spot Fear starting to grip Talia's arm tighter which was indicating that she was scared of the question.

After Snow asks the question Talia would look down at Fear but would look back at snow once she sees Fear shake her head "my apologies but Fear doesn't feel comfortable giving out her name" once Snow hears what Talia says she would smile comfortingly towards Fear before looking back at Talia "no it's fine no need to apologize, if she isn't comfortable telling me then she doesn't have too,i'll just continue calling her Fear until she is comfortable in telling me" Once Snow had said that she would see Fear relax her grip on Talia's arm a bit because of how understanding Snow was.

After a bit Talia would talk again "ok so is there anything else you would like to ask us?" Snow would think for a few seconds before talking "hmm what do you do for hobbies? and what do you like doing doing in your free time?" again Talia would look towards Fear before talking "well my hobbies are to look after fear while she is in little space though technically that's not a hobby because most of the time she is calm and quite easy to handle but oh well, I also like to do puzzles  and reading in my free time" Talia would take a breath before continuing "and with Fear, her hobbies are mostly just playing with either her stuffed animals or playing with the other traits but mostly anxiety since they are so alike and she likes to cuddle up with someone and either watch what they are doing or just cuddle up near then or against them and fall asleep"

Snow would nod again before saying "well I think that is all the questions I can think off at the moment but thank you both for answering the questions that I had" Talia would smile "it's no problem, and since that is all of the questions you have then i'm going to go take Fear back to the mindscape so she can hang out with anxiety for a little while before anxiety comes to answer more questions that you have but it was nice to finally meet you snow"Snow would smile happily "ok and it was nice to meet you to Talia and you too Fear" Fear would slightly smile before Katie comes back and walks toward Talia "c'mon you two i'll take you back" and with that Katie would sink back to the mindscape with Talia and Fear, once again leaving Snow alone again.

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