Chapter 1

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Your plane has landed in LA
You are waiting for your friend Destiny and her boyfriend Carlos

D- Y/N!!!
Y/n- omg Destiny

Y'all jump on each other and hug each other really tight

Y/n- I missed you so much
D- me too, this is my boyfriend Carlos
Y/n- hi
C- hey, y/n right??
Y/n- yea
D- well let's go

Y'all left and went to their house. It was a decent 2 story house. Destiny showed you to your room and you unpacked everything

Then you went downstair

Y/n- so how have you been since you moved
D- good I guess I mean I missed you so much, but I got a really cute boyfriend
Y/n- *laughs* he better treat you right cause if he don't I'll destroy him
D- *laughs* omg he does
Y/n- well I'm going to sleep since tomorrow is my interview goodnight love you
D- night love you too

You went to sleep

The next day you woke up and got ready

After getting ready you went in your Uber and arrived at the business

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After getting ready you went in your Uber and arrived at the business

You checked in the front desk. Then you went to the bathroom, after using the bathroom to freshen yourself you bumped Mr. Guzman and he got his coffee on his shirt.

Y/n- oh no I'm so sorry
A- watch where you're walking
Y/n- I'm so sorry *gets napkins and wipes his shirt* I didn't mean to
A- it's ok I got another shirt in my room. Just leave it you're making it worse
Y/n- omg I'm so sorry

Alex walked away. At this point you knew you weren't going to get the job. You then went to the waiting room to wait and then they called you in.

A- hello, y/n?
Y/n- hello Mr. Guzman. I umm... am sorry for accidentally bumping into you
A- please take a seat and it's fine
Y/n- *takes a seat* thank you
A- mhm... so I see that you have experience in business assistance
Y/n- yes sir I have been an assistant before
A- alright, I'll send you an email if you get the job thank you
Y/n- ok thank you Mr. Guzman goodbye
A- goodbye

You had a feeling that you weren't going to get the job. You went home. Then destiny got home

D- so how did it go did you get the job
Y/n- I don't know he said he will send me an email, I don't think I'm going to get the job, I accidentally bumped into him and his coffee spilled on his shirt
D- damn, not to scare you but you might not get the job, he never does that, when you get the job he tells you in person
Y/n- ughh... whatever it's fine there is always other places
D- I love your positive attitude
Y/n- well I'm going to get ready to sleep night love

You went and changed into

Y/n- hey I'm going to the store to get some snacksD- ok Y/n- do you want anythingD- no thanks Y/n- ok

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Y/n- hey I'm going to the store to get some snacks
D- ok
Y/n- do you want anything
D- no thanks
Y/n- ok

You left to the store and saw someone familiar....

TBC.... I hope you enjoy this story

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