Welcome, Klainers!

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This is just a book thingy full of my ideas for stories, I might build off them later, make different stories and such. I would appreciate it if you didn't steal my ideas.
I hope you like my ideas, they're not well thought out, I just make it up as I go along.... like I do with everything. (^_−)−☆
Please comment, vote, share, whatever. I want you're feed back on my ideas, which one you think I should build on.
My updates and length of chapters will vary. Maybe I'll post 5 short chapters in a day or 1 long one in a week. ITS A MYSTERY!!!! Not really, I'm just lazy and I have 3 other things I'm working on. (☆_☆)
Well yeah, I'll do little Authors Notes every now and again to keep you updated and all. I'm rating this G for general, might change it later on to PG, I don't know yet....

Book of none sense-one shot stories-KlaineWhere stories live. Discover now