New suit

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Blaine looks down at the business card his friend Sebastian gave him. He swore this was the best tailor in the city, even though it took Blaine nearly two hours to find the small shop. Sliding the card into his pocket he entered the shop.
The cliché sound of a bell jingling greeted Blaine. For being such a small store it was surprisingly roomy. Scented candles were lit in various places, the smell of vanilla and cinnamon shouldn't work, but it did.
"Hello, welcome to K.H. Threads. How may I help you, sir?" A angelic voice calls from behind the counter. A tall, handsome man was sitting behind the till.
"Hi, um, a friend of mine recommended you to me." Blaine cleared his throat and held up the hanger. "My suit is too short on my legs and arms. I finally had my growth spurt." Blaine jokes.
"Bring it here." Blaine did as told, handing the outfit to the man. He gestured for Blaine to follow him into the back of the store.
He measured the length of the sleeves and the trousers, then turned to Blaine and measured his arms and legs.
"I can't lengthen this fabric enough. You'll need a new one." He told Blaine as he put the measuring tape away.
"I need a suit by tomorrow, I have an appearance I need to do."
"It can be done by then... what do you mean by appearance?"
"Oh, I'm a singer and I'm doing an interview on Fondue for Two with Brittany S. Pierce." Blaine shrugs. "I wanted to wear this suite, but I wouldn't mind getting a new one made."
"I could get it done tonight if I started now, and lucky for you I already finished the wedding gown I was working on yesterday." The taller man smiled. "I'll just need your measurements."
After taking Blaine's measurements and discussing colour choices the making of the suite was underway. Blaine said he'd sit in the front having nowhere to be.
Two and a half hours later It was finished. Midnight blue and cream white. Blaine slipped into the soft fabric. It highlighted the curve of his muscles, hugging all the right places.
"Oh, thank you..."
"Kurt. Kurt Hummel." The man, Kurt, stepped back to admire his work. "I think you'll be the highlight of the show, Mr.Anderson."
"Wait, how did you know my name?"
"I recognized you when you came in, I own both of your albums. Great work by the way." Kurt smiles, tugging on the sleeves a bit. On the cuff of the right sleeve K.H. was embroidered in elegant stitches just barely darker then the fabric.
"Oh, thank you. I really like this suite. You did an amazing job." Blaine straightened his tie before turning to face Kurt Hummel. "I know this might sound crazy but,"
"Do you want to go get some coffee or something tomorrow?"
Kurt looks at him before walking to the front of the store. Blaine's heart sank, he said the wrong thing. He followed Kurt out into the front parlour.
The tall man was looking in a daily planner. His green eyes darting side to side quickly. "I'm free on Friday, 3:27 pm to 5:12 pm. We can get something to eat down the street at the diner my friend used to work at."
"Friday at 3:30?"
"3:27 to 5:12, that's my only free time this week. I'm booked solid from 6:30 am to 11:45 pm Today until next Monday."
"Why are you so busy?" Blaine raises an eyebrow.
"I'm meeting with my good friend Rachel Berry and her Director to discuss costumes for-"
"Funny Girl? Rachel Berry the Broadway star? You know her?" Kurt nods.
"I am also making some new outfits for and my other friend Mercedes Jones. Not my busiest week." Kurt shrugs and closes the planner.
Blaine was dumbfounded. He thought his weeks we busy. Kurt's were booked solid!
"Oh, can you tell Brittany that Kurt says hi and I'm looking forward to next week?"
"Will do. How do you know all these people anyway?"
"I went to school with them, Rachel, Mercedes, Brittany, Santana Lopez the actor and singer, Mike and Tina Chang the dancing duo, Quinn Fabray Model and singer, Artie Abrams director and Sam Evens Model" Kurt smiled and pointed to a photograph on the wall of his Glee clubs National win.
"Wow, that must be some school to have produced all of you." Blaine mused, recognizing the familiar famous faces. "Who's this? The tall guy?"
"Oh, my stepbrother, Finn. He passed away a couple years ago."
"I'm sorry."
"It's alright." Kurt shrugs him off. Kurt looks at his watch. "I'm sorry but I have to start on some sketches for Vogues next issue."
"alright. I'll see you Friday?"
"Friday. Be here 3:27 Sharp."

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