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I just wanted to say this book is based on my beliefs and imagination. I will explain this later in this foreword.

This book is a christian story.

Lets not be judgemental I know there are not that many christian books here on wattpad but our tiny community is trying:)

This book will be like any other books on wattpad but without the following:

No cursing (might be light language but that's it)

No smut (not in this book sir).

If you are not cool with those guidelines then this book may not be that enjoyable for you to read.

Like mentioned this book is based on my beliefs so the main character will look, act and dress a certain way:

She won't wear jewelry.

She won't wear pants, only skirts.

She won't curse.

She won't drink.

She won't dress immodest.

To those of you who ask, why does this girl sound like she has a lot of restrictions and rules to follow?

Well some and quite many religions do practice some of the characters attributes listed above and I am personally Pentecostal and have been all the years of my life. I have been privileged to have grown up in this truth.

Here are some scriptures to help lay a foundation on where some of our beliefs and guidelines came from.

1 Peter 3:3
"Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing gold, or of putting on of apperal."- This basically means don't show off your jewelry outwardly and this explains why we don't wear it.

1 Timothy 2:9-10
"In like manner also that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; but(which becometh women proffessing godliness) with good works." - this means we should be modest and also to not wear jewelry

Speaking of jewelry, we don't completely ditch it but we only wear purposeful jewelry meaning watches, and wedding rings(this one is up to your pastor and their guidance).

We can wear hair accessories but not bracelets, rings or earrings.

Anyways if you are not religious then you are still very much welcome.

I hope you enjoy this book and you will be blessed by it.

I also wanna say thank you to some of my favorite authors in the Christian community who inspired me to write this story of my own.

Book started~ Jan. 9, 2020

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