Chapter 1

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"That's the last of the boxes!" My mother shouted from the center of the street. I was bringing back the last of my personal boxes from the white moving truck in front of our  house. The flaps of the beige box unfolded and in was my desk lamp, pencil case, a lot of books and my favorite book, the bible.

I took a right as I came through my front door and went up the stairs of our humble two-story house. This house was a blessing, it wasn't ours to begin with. We just moved from our hometown which was around 45 minutes away. 

We moved because of my dads work and daily commute for work. He had an opportunity and we took us. God blessed us with this house.

The light from the window shined through my bedroom. My room here was quite larger than my old one.

"Grace! Its time for lunch, dad brought subway home." My brother Isaac yelled from the bottom of the stairs. I smiled, I love sandwiches. I made my way downstairs quickly.

My brother Isaac is 4 years younger than me, he can be a pain sometimes but I love him to death.

"Hannah, did you pay the movers yet?" My father asked my mother softly. "Yes as a matter of fact they are leaving now." The truck drove away in front of our window. "Time to eat sandwiches!" Me and Isaac said in unison. We giggles shortly after.

"Lets say grace." I said while adjusting my slouchy posture. Honestly its still kind of weird how we say that and my name is grace but I guess that's the way I was named. My dad lead us in prayer then we ate.

"Let's drop by the high school to get your enrollments to your new school." My mom said. "You too Issac, lets get your papers."

"But I was just about to play my switch." He subtlety complained.

We made our way to our Honda and got in.

Its kinda crazy how I thought I would spend all of my high school years at my old school, not here. I have now friends here so I'll have to start fresh. Not everyone likes a christian girl or find them to be the best people, or that's what my old school thought. No They didn't think that they actually bullied me, but I don't care. Living for God is better than their opinions.

Before I knew it we reached my new high school.

I stayed in the car while waiting for my mother in the parking lot. The school looked pretty big and welcoming.

My mother came back with a large manila envelope in one hand. "Here's your stuff grace, we will have to clear up some time to get these signed." She smiled. I grabbed the folder as my mother put on her seat belt. "The students at the desk seemed nice." she stated.

"Well that's good." I said as my brother started singing with the radio.

We headed to the local middle school to pick up my brothers packet. We all decided to get off cause why not.

The 7th and 8th graders at the office counter looked adorable. I saw my brother blush at the girl who helped us.

She looked about the same age as Isaac, she had blonde hair and bright emerald eyes.

We left the office on the way to the car I nudged my brother on his arm."seems like someone has taken a liking to their new classmate." I said playfully.

"What no, as if Grace. I don't even know if she is in my grade or anybody my classes." He said in an annoying tone. "Lol. I was just trying to lighten up your mood Isaac."

The drive home was fine, we just moved to a bigger city but there was rather a lot of trees like a forest in the part of town we moved in.

As soon as we got home I went straight to my room and read. I read my favorite book, the bible. I read the book of psalms for it lifted me up and its filled with praises.

My mom called me down to help her with the laundry. So I did and spent the rest of the afternoon helping her.

I looked outside my bedroom window, the sunset was vibrant and shown just above the small trees covering the distance. The stars slowly came out. "I think I just might like it here." I said while resting my hand on my face while my elbows rested on my windowsill. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2020 ⏰

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