Chapter 4

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The rest of the day Michael doesn't leave my side, as promised. First we collected our things from Calum's house, and I don't understand how I didn't freeze to death last night without my sweater or shoes.

"Guys, I think me and Shay are just gonna have a day in at her house and maybe play some video games or something." Michael tells them as we sit in Calum's living room, doing nothing at all.

Luke is sat at one end of the couch and Calum at the other. I lay with my head in Luke's lap and my legs lying on Calum's. Mikey is laying sprawled out on his stomach in the floor.

"Yeah," I agree, "you guys can come too, if you want." I offer, looking up at Luke.

"Eh, I think Luke and I are gonna head to the mall and hang out for a while. Sorry, guys," Calum explains, looking up from his phone for the first time in minutes.

"That's fine." I answer, "We can leave now if you guys were ready to head out."

"No, no that's okay!" Calum quickly says. "You guys don't have to leave right now."

"Well if you guys are planning in scoping out some chicks, I recommend you leave now. Lets go Mikey. I have some games to beat you at." I laugh, jumping up but quickly, turning around to hug each of my friends who are sitting on the couch.

"Really, Shay. You guys don't-"

"Shut up Calum, we're fine. Jeez." I laugh, kissing his forehead and quickly pecking one to Luke's as well. "Have fun, guys!" I yell as I exit the door and run to Michael's truck before I freeze.

- - -

The day was spent with Michael and I in sweatpants, sitting in a huge pile of blankets and yelling at each other.

Video games with Michael and I always end up with yelling and accusing each other of cheating.

"Michael Gordon Clifford!" I scream, tossing my controller in the air," stop cheating! You cheat-y cheater! Gosh!"

"Shaylynn Abella Brown!!" He yells back, "you're more of a cheat-y cheater than me!" he tosses his controller to the side and crawls on top of me, his hands instantly attacking my sides in tickles.

"I... hate... you!" I yell between giggles. "Stop! Stop.. M-Mikey!" I try to swat him away but he doesn't budge as I continue laughing.

"Liar, you love me." He laughs, "tell me and I'll stop."

"I love you! I love you! I freaking love you!" I gasp, pushing him away. "Now keep your freaking hands away from me, butthole." I pout.

"Awh, someone's being whiny." He says in a baby voice, pulling me into his arms as we lay on top of the blanket mountain.


"Leave me alone!" I scream, jiggling the chains linking my arms to the wall behind me. "Please!" I shout, followed by a defeated whisper, "please."

"No can do, miss Shay," the voice begins. I don't see the boy. His voice is echoing as if it's coming from a hallway. "I think, I like you chained to that wall. It really makes you look more beautiful." He laughs a loud and too-bubbly-for-a-murderer laugh that resonates throughout the whole chamber. "I think I should chain girls up more often, I really like the feeling. It's pretty exciting, honestly."

"Please let me go." I cry, tears beginning to fall faster down my face. "Please, I'll do anything."

At that moment, I see the boy. He walks out of the left hallway, a smirk prominent on his face. "Let me think about it.... no." He laughs, too cute to be evil but still scary.

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