Chapter 3 - Jinchuurikis

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The next morning apparently Yagura was already up and so we assume he was doing his job or burning occasional neuron with their parts.

Fuu other hand was still asleep, but not of normal or decent way, apparently something going on in his head, she was turning from side to side on the sofa, was also sweating and his face he grins as if upset something, as a nightmare.


It was the evening in the town of Taki, he saw a girl walking alone in the market area, the girl no older than 9 years had shiny hair and dark skin. Apparently a trading post I get his attention, as he approached he saw some flashes reflected in a shop window, she came to see this even more closely.

Through the window I could see a dashboard with lights, many red lights on one side and an orange, the other small and weak light. The girl noticed the orange light was removed from the red, suddenly weak and small light went out, she just looked eager for that light to shine again sadly.

On the other hand some kids about 2 years older than she walked down the same path, one of them spotted the brunette suddenly without reasons ran after her. The girl did not realize immediately that the boy came after her, but one of them shouts I alerted as soon as he saw them, went his escape.

She just ran and ran, the idea of not going to stop in your head for a minute and less knowing that a group of boys came after her. To make the matter more complicated in the way a number of obstacles they encountered, as well as barrels and even people.

Unfortunately she tripped, if he had not ... ... ...

For when you want to get up and was late all the boys were surrounding, not only that but while some mocked his hair others preferred jarrarlo, the girl wanted to break free at all costs but was stopped again, the boys managed desmayarla and tie her feet to head. When she awoke she was nervous, I had already been through this a thousand times, just that it was always something different, this time it was moor and apparently leave at one end of a cliff waiting for someone to come and help her, and she knew would happen and had to do everything he could to break out of the tight knots.

It had been 2 hours and still tied to make matters worse the place was slowly falling apart was. She had a small knife he always carried with it if such cases were presented, the only downside was it was one of her sandals and she was tied, it was then where I did not care if they broke something or a bone is dislocated, she wanted to get out at all costs. Gradually he was bringing his hand as he could at his feet and then inserting it into her sandal in the process and some creaking bones were heard, she chose to give pain to then reach its goal despite anything.

He was lucky to achieve before the end fell apart, so did not mind only pain was centralized in their small joints felt as soon felt good, started the journey back to the village. As I come take a way home, the shortest, but shorter than outside, the killer or frightening eyes peeking out from doors or windows of other houses, haunted even by walking looked like people were locked in home waiting for it to happen once and then back out while she could hear whispers devastating.




She did not want to deal with all that, he closed his fist, lowered his gaze and turned to run as quickly, his eyes seemed to come not visible wet transparent liquid, a tear.

Upon arriving home I just fell to her knees, she was alone, the house was quite spacious enough for her, it felt strange, it was the house in which he had grown up, but the vacuum created by the absence of two very important in her life were so great that she could only think of one thing when he went to that house.

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