maxillary & mandibular

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a/n before anyone complains about the story not being accurate to dentists pls bear with it, i tried to make it as accurate as possible by researching. pls also excuse any error in the writing as it will be edited soon! happy reading :)

"Si Woo, please," an exasperated voice breathes out, furrowed eyebrows and tired eyes narrowing. One hand caressing the younger boy's cheek to comfort the pain, and the other hand caressing his back. "Calm down, honey."

To no avail did the owner of the cries calm down, instead, he only cried louder and struggled harder to break free. "I don't wanna go!" the boy screams.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Jin bows his head to the obviously irritated taxi driver, "Please make sure no blood drips on the seats, Sir." The driver politely says as Jin could only return a nod.

How did it come to this? It was a good day. His sister asked him to watch his 6 year old nephew Si Woo, for her as she had a prenatal visit for the second child she was bearing.

He picked Si Woo up from her house, with bright eyes and bright smiles greeted by a hug and an "I missed you, Uncle!" then he thought that as a good idea to kill time, they'd play soccer with the neighborhood kids where Jin resides in.

Bad fucking idea.

Who knew these neighborhood kids would get so fucking competitive? The last strike of the ball during the heated part of the game, hit Si Woo face first, and as soon as Jin's mind registered what happened he scrammed straight to Si Woo.

"Hey! That was too much!" he yelled at the kids, and when he turned his head to face his nephew, the minute the ball falls from his face, he was met with a confused expression.

Instantly, he grabbed Si Woo by the shoulders.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?" Jin asks while frantically running his hands through Si Woo's face, hair, and mouth "I'm fine," Si Woo retorts meekly, looking down on his hands, and Jin swore this was the only time he was able to breathe again.

"What's that you're holding?" Si Woo looks up to him smiling with a bloodied mouth and he opens his palms to Jin "look Uncle, teeth!" revealing three fallen teeth.

"Huh?" Si Woo ran his tongue in his mouth and wiped the inside with his hands, "Blood?" his nephew's face instantly turned to a state of shock, only staring at his now bloodied hands. He immediately screamed.

"Alright, alright, calm down now." Jin panickingly took Si Woo in his arms and carried him "Does it hurt?" his nephew did not answer, he only cried. Jin didn't know whether he was crying at the sight of blood, or the feeling of pain his nephew only felt recently.

He took Si Woo to his house and made him rinse his mouth with water. Yet, his nephew was still crying.

"Uncle, it hurts. It keeps on hurts." The little boy cries, holding his cheeks

"I don't know what else I should do. I don't have any medication on me." Jin sighs "Let's go to the dentist."

And with that all hell broke loose.

You see, little Si Woo is a fighter. Everyday life is tough with everyday tasks he does such as reminding his Mother to bathe him with the strawberry scented shampoo not the cherry blossom one, reminding his Father that he only uses the Anpanman designed plate on tuesdays, and most of all, updating his Uncle Jin who's superhero he is during that day so he doesn't calls him by his old superhero name.

Life is tough but little Si Woo is tougher.

But just like every superhero, Si Woo also has his weaknesses. And that is definitely the dentist. He will never forget his encounter with one of the deadliest villains who is an old, grumpy, rude, lady who checked on his teeth but checked her position in the enemies list as well.

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