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the final bell rung for everyone to go home. I would go home but I have detention. I went to Mr. Harris's. that's where they held detention at but couch finnick is in charge of detention. I walked in to see no one in there. Guess I'm early. I took a seat in the back. Then someone else walked in. I looked up to see a guy with black hair. He was tall and built. Not too built but just enough to know that he works out once in a while. I made eye contact with him. He had green eyes with a little hazel mixed in there. I had to admit...he's hot. I never seen him around school before. He must be new.

He sat by me. Then couch walked in

"Is this it? huh. Well you know the rules, no talking, chewing gum, going to the bathroom, reading, sleeping, or no doing homework. You just sit there and shut your mouth! GOT IT?" he screamed. I don't understand why though. He walked over to the desk and sat Down.

I sat there for what felt like hours. "Look, I just got a text from the principal that I need to take care of something. I'll be back. DON'T DO ANYTHING!!" Coach yelled and left.

"Why does he always have to scream?" The boy sitting next to me asked.

"I don't know. My guess is that he just finds pleasure in torturing us. And hopes someday we'll go deaf or something." I told him. He laughed.

"Hey, I'm Derek." He said. "Stiles" I told him. "So what are you in for?" I asked him.

"Me? Well, the teacher was being an asshole so I cussed him out." He said

I raised my eyebrow at him. "Realy? Who was it."

"This asshat, Mr.Harris" he said while rolling his eyes. I laughed because I can relate to that.

"I know right. He is a little bitch." He laughed. "You have him, too?" He asked me.

"Yea, first period." I replied. "So I haven't seen you around here before, are you new?" I asked him while looking at him.

"Yea, I just came two days ago." He told me. I was about to ask him where did he move from but before I could coach walked in. "Alright, your free to leave." He said while walking out of the room. I got up and so did Derek.

"I'll see you around, Stiles." He said smiling then leaving the room. I left too. I surly hope I see him around too. After detention I went home. As usual the house was empty. Dad was at work. I decided to take a nap.


I was exited for today. It's the day we go to IST. I was planning filing an application to work there. I parked my jeep and got out. He first thing I see is Scott.

"Dude, you won't believe it!." He said while smiling from ear to ear.

"And what might that be." I asked him. "Me and Allison." He said.

"Yeah, I still can't believe it!" I said to him. "Oh, there she is now. Catch you later,man" he said while running off. Ugh. He always does this. It's getting annoying. But, whatever.

I walked in the school and start to my locker. The bell was about to ring in a few minutes so I walked to class. I walked in and took a seat. Mr. Harris was getting everything ready for the field trip. The buses already arrived. I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned to see Derek. He smiled.

"Hey." He said. "Hey, Derek I didn't know you were in my class." I said.

"Yea, well I guess I am." Me and Derek were chatting for a while. Then we all got on the bus. I even sat by him. Derek was a pretty chill dude. We finally arrived.

Every one got of the bus. Mr.Harris did a number count and we went in. The first thing I saw was. A whole bunch a people. They all were scientists with clipboards, googles, and white lap coats.

There were a lot of stations and people were experimenting all sort of things. There was a person. He looked like he worked there too. I guess he was the person showing us around. We went all kinds of stations. We saw things I didn't even know excited.

"What are those?" A Peron in my group asked. He pointed to a tube full of many spiders.they were big. "Those are spiders. They are mutant spiders. We have injected a kind of substance that give them special abilities."

"What happens if someone gets bitten by one?" Derek asked. I was wondering that to.

"Well we haven't quite tested that but our hypothesis is that the person that has received the bite will have spider like abilities."

The scientist said. "So, what your saying is that the person will be able to climb on walls make webs and scare people half to death."

A girl asked. "Well, maybe. Like I said we haven't tested it yet." He said

"anyway let's move on." Spider like abilities. That's interesting and awesome. While we were walking I suddenly felt a sharp pain on the back of my neck. That's strange. It's probably nothing.


Okay. Thxs for reading. Comment your thoughts and ideas. Bye!

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