Chapter 1

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Nezumi p.o.v.

"I... umi... ezumi... Nezumi... Nezumi! Wake up!" my brother's voice wakes me up and destroys my awesome dream about endless macha pocky and panda cookies.

"Stop it Ni-san! I'm trying to sleep!" I groan sleepy. He lowly chuckles.

"That's why I'm waking you up. We have training in 20."

"What?! Why didn't you wake me earlier?!" immediately I try, to jump out of bed, but poorly fail, as I trip over my blanket. Groaning I slowly rise from my futon and rub my eyes, to help them adjust to the dim light. I cover my mouth as I yawn and stalk over to my wardrobe to get dressed. Pointing to the door I tell my brother:

"Nii-san. Out." He accomplishes my command and excites my room.

"I'm making breakfast!" He tells me, closing the door behind him.

"Great. Dry rice without anything again." I mumble under my breath

"'Don't complain Imoto.' He says. 'It's not that bad.'"quoting him while rolling my eyes and picking my usual outfit for the day. It's a cream-coloured yukata-jacket with our clan's crest on both shoulders, combined with some fishnet tights and a fishnet shirt. My Yukata is held together with a brown obi. I ty some bandages around my lower arms, from my ankle to my knees and around my right upper tight. Then I ty my kunai pouch to my tight and my other two pouches get clipped onto my obi. Finally, I bring my hair up in a messy bun and ty some super-thin bandages around my bang-strands on the left side of my face. The rest of my bangs cover the seal on my forehead. Me and,y brother have it because we're members of the Hyuuga-Clan-Side-Branch, but unlike my brother, I don't hate the main branch nor cover the seal.

"Imoto! Come down we need to go in 5 minutes!" my brother shouts from downstairs and I rush out of my room, grabbing my Foreheadprotector in the process. It gets placed around my neck and I arrive in the kitchen. Nii-san already finished his poor meal and stands at the doorway. I wolf down my portion and rush over to him. Putting on my standard blue ninja sandals I jump out of our house and he locks the door, what, in my opinion, is useless in a place full of ninjas. As soon, as we leave the house my brother's expression turns into the stoic one everybody knows. We arrive at our normal training ground, me skipping beside my brother. We come into view of our team and the enthusiastic green spandex wearing ravenette waves at us.

"Good morning, Umi-chan, Neji!"

"Morning, Lee-kun!" I greet my hyper teammate, while my brother only gives a small nod to acknowledge the two spandex-wearing weirdos and the weapon fanatics.

"Yosh, my youthful students! Let's start this youthful day with some youthful exercising!" Gai-sensei shouts enthusiastically and Lee joins in.

"Yes, Gai-sensei!" shaking my head I make my way over were Lee started doing push-ups to join him.

Now it's around 3 pm and boooooooooy, I'm exhausted! Training from 6.30 am to 3 pm without break is straining! And to top that, we train with Gai-sensei and his 'youthful' exercises. Puh, that's it. Picking myself up I stagger over to Neji-nii-san, who is currently leaning against a tree. With an exhausted sigh, I let myself slump against the bark of the tree. I can hear my brother's heavy breathing and snicker a little to myself.

"What's so funny, imoto?" he asks me confused.

"You're breathing much heavier than me! I beat you again!" his confinement changes to amusement and he lets out a low chuckle. Stretching, I stand up and skip over to TenTen, who's picking up her used weapons.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2020 ⏰

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