Chapter Two

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"Listen bitch. You do what I say."
Matthew says.

"Oh o-k-ay." My voice is shaky.

I grab my phone without matthew knowing and I dial Tessa.

She answers hello.
"Matthew please stop. You don't have to do this just let me go." I yell loud enough for Tessa to hear me through the phone.

"Shut up!" Matthew yells.

"Matthew we are on the back road of corner 9. Just stop." I say so Tessa knows where we are.

15 minutes go by.
And Tessa arrives running up to the car.

She opens the door and drags me out.

"You are sick." Tessa spits at Matt.

"Shut the fuck up. How did you know where we were?" He asks Tessa.

"You fucking bitch, you fucking told her." "Didn't you!?"

"Let's go." I say to Tessa running as fast as I can to her car.

We get in the car and she speeds off.

Matt's pov.

"Let's go." Haley says to Tessa running away.

They get in the car and speed off.

I just sit in my car banging my fist on the steering wheel.

"No I fucked up!!" I yell punching the steering wheel.

My knuckles are bloody from punching the steering wheel.

I start my car and speed off.

Tessa's pov.
"What the fuck happened?" I ask Haley.

"Well we were making out then we went to the bed, and his sister walked in.." She explains but I cut her off.
"Wait he doesn't have a sister." I say
"Really? Then who is the girl? Anyways let me finish." She says

"So this girl walks in and he yells at her and tells her to get out."

"She leaves and he says 'so where were we' and then you called and asked me to help look for Harry so I told him I had to go and I ran outside but he ran after me and asked if I wanted a ride. So I said yes. Then he started going the wrong way. Then he stopped and got on top of me. And started doing shit. And he kept saying 'let it happen.' And he kept telling me to 'shut the fuck up and enjoy it' then I called you." She explains it all.

"Wow Haley I'm so sorry." I say giving her a frown.

"Now enough about me, let's go find Harry." She says.

"I already found him. He is at his parents and he is fine. He's in trouble, but he's fine."

"Oh that's good to hear, that's he fine."

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