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   joshua and y/n were on vacation in orlando, florida. of course, joshua had to bring franklin because that was their child. they decided to go to disney, magic kingdom to be specific, and joshua insisted they take franklin.

   the boy had asked her many times if they could take him and she finally gave in.

   joshua looked around in astonishment when they got off the monorail. they were about to enter the park, and franklin was being held by his "father."

   "so, what do you wanna do first?" y/n asked as they walked into the park.

   "let's take pictures! in front of the castle!" joshua said excitedly and dragged her to a photographer.

   "1..2..3.. pose!" the photographer said, y/n placed a kiss on josh's cheek as he smiled into the camera.

   "great! you guys are all set."

   "wait no! y/n, we need one with franklin!" joshua yelled.

   he picked franklin up and positioned himself for the photo. franklin was in between the two of them and they simply smiled.

   "okay what should we do next?" y/n asked as she looked at the map.

   "how about splash mountain? that sounds fun," joshua said.


   the two made their way over to the ride and got on line. "joshy, it says we're gonna get wet," y/n complained to her boyfriend.

   "i doubt it, it'll be fun!" joshua reassured and pulled her close to him.

the two sat in the front row of the boat, franklin was in joshua's arms. y/n looked around before screaming, the water splashed on them, as they turned a corner. "i told you!" she yelled at him jokingly.

they got off of the ride, and they were soaked. "at least we got a good picture," joshua laughed as he took a photo of the photo. y/n shook her head and laughed.

y/n sat and waited at a restaurant with franklin as joshua ordered their food. she was looking at their photos together. she came across one of them at their senior prom. that night was the first time they said 'i love you' to each other. she smiled.

"whatcha looking at?" joshua asked as he sat down across from her.

"old photos."

"do you remember the time in third grade where you fell behind the playground, and i was the only one who saw you?" joshua reminisced.

y/n nodded, "our first interaction."

"and the time in sixth grade when i failed my test, i was so scared," he laughed to himself.

"and the last day of eighth grade," y/n started to smile, "we had our first kiss."

"yep, yet somehow we didn't date until sophomore year," joshua laughed.

"and after all this time, i still get butterflies when i think about you."

joshua smiled, "we even have a son!" he joked and gestured towards franklin.

it was getting late, and the couple did pretty much everything that caught their eye.

"one last thing!" joshua exclaimed. he pulled her back to the castle.

"i have something to give you, and it's a little cliché, but bear with me," joshua pulled a small box out of his pocket and opened it. it was a ring.

"i know we're a little too young to be married, but i wanted to give you a promise ring, to promise you we'll be together forever," joshua was blushing, and y/n could tell.

she held franklin in her arms, but she didn't answer joshua. y/n was speechless and didn't know what to say, so she just stayed quiet and decided to just hug him.

they both smiled and enjoyed the moment. once they pulled away, he slipped the ring on her finger.

"i love you," she whispered.

"i love you too."

hey! this one was short but sweet and cute hehe.

-b <3

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