Robin's family

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  It was raining heavily in Elbire just when a boy came running, piercing through the rain drops, with his school bag . This is from where our story begins . The boy ran quickly into his house dampened and  started shivering . He was around six feet and his forehead was covered with wet bangs . Robin had just stopped shivering when his mother arrived . In front of him was his mother, with a frustated look  wearing a pink gown with her hands on her hips . The rain had stopped by the time he finished his lunch. The clouds had cleared and the whole town seemed to be whitewashed . Robin was satisfied with his house . His house was two - storeyed and the windows rattled whenever high winds came . The first storey was for the Iruag family - James (doctor), Michael (agent of high order) , Charlotte, Susanne , Steven and Robin Iruag . Charlotte and Susanne were housewives . Steven was Robin's cousin brother who lived in a joint family with his parents - Micheal and Susanne  Iruag. Robin's parents were James and Charlotte Iruag and Micheal was Robin's uncle. The second storey was empty except the people who were giving rent to
During evening, Steven said Robin ," Hey ! Wanna play hell o' 🔥. Robin agreed to him and went in their  room . They both had a single large room in which they slept, played, studied and did everything . Inside this room there was another room which was big enough to be their VideoGames room ( which they usually called VG room ). Steven was great in video games . Their all- time score was 558-442. They were just playing their 1001st game when Erie and Clenche suddenly entered their room. They were from their street .They told them that a bloody and severe accident has taken place at their street end . The victims were almost in a dead condition . Their car was fully damaged . His friends told them that the car hit another vehicle and was submerged under the road . Due to the pathetic condition of road this severe accident took place and the finger was raised upon the road department and the mayor. Robin and Steven got out of the house rapidly with first aid kit. They had many thoughts in their mind when they went to see the victims . He had already seen a bloody image in his mind. They went to the accident spot.

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