The Sudden and severe accident

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Not many people had gathered though it was a severe accident . Erie , Cletche and Robin paced and reached the accident spot . The car was fully damaged . They with the help of some people lifted the bodies out of the car. There were three hanging bodies in the  car. There two dead bodies and one body looked like if he had fainted. The one who fainted was a boy nearly one year older than Robin.
They didn't knew they were dead they only had a idea of it b'coz the bodies looked bloody.  They waited for a glance of bodies after they sent them for a postmortem . Robin really cared for the bodies specially for the boy . He tried to gather information about the victims wherever he could .

Steven looked at him in a very strange look he hadn't seen in his entire life.
"You shouldn't waste time on these people " said Steven willing that Robin will change his mind.
"I think we shouldn't care only for ourselves . This is what we're taught in school? Right?" said Robin .
" Oh ! Do you think you'll get everything in your mind  by just studying ?" said Steven
" Well well, truth is always bitter but I'm not talking about study just now ." This time Robin spoke with a anger in his voice ." said Robin
"Ok , I understand that you're easily dragged towards these kinds of things but I now also tell you that you've to stop having mercy towards all these a**holes ." Steven said .
"Don't dare even call them like this . >>>>>>
And not first time a fight had started between them . Robin had just got hold of Steven's collar when his aunt Charlotte  came dashing stopping their fight . When Robin went to his room , he heard uncle Michael talking to Steven . He quietly stopped five metres away from Steven and had heard only some murmuring sound . After half an hour , when he was tired and was giving up , he heard a sentence -" Well you did it great , Steve."

Robin was now looking for newspaper to find some news about the victims of the accident because a week had passed by .
Then suddenly he saw a paragraph in the edge of newspaper , it read -

" The Mysterious Accident"
Tuesday , Elbire
As the last week was pretty rainy , so the roads had undergone great damage and of course after damage accidents take place .
Nearly 118 accidents took place according to our survey but the bloodiest of them took place in Elbire. Plus , the accident took place after the rain had stopped. Some boys and man were seen at the accident aite who safely took them for postmortem. Thanks to these caring citizens but still the problem hasn't come yet that led to accident. Due to no reasons left the people have started raising their fingers on road department and the mayor. Only one boy has survived in this accident. Robin breathed a sigh of relief and continued reading it with utmost attention.
The boy is admitted in George hospital and the doctors are looking forward for someone who could take care of the boy."

Robin continued to look for some further news of the boy for nearly a month by using his pocket money to purchase the newspaper. After a fortnight , he found a hilarious news -........

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2020 ⏰

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