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3rd person Pov

"Today is the day" A girl who looked about in her 20's says as she looks over her backpack full of many different types of supplies. Medical Kits, Food, Extra clothes, and of course masks. Riots and protests has flared up in every state in honor of George Floyd and to demand change from the government and police force. Today is the first day that she will be going to something like this.

She walks over to her full sized mirror, her blonde hair was up and she wore a beanie on top to cover her hair. She wore black leggings and a black long sleeved shirt with a thick vest over it. She slipped on some finger-less gloves and put on a face mask to cover her lower half of her face. Around her forehead and eyes was glitter makeup that would glare in pictures and protect her identity, and lastly she had Chem goggles on to protect her eyes from the tear gas.


Her phone goes off indicating that her friend was here. She smiles and grabs her phone and bag. The last thing she grabbed was a sign with many different names and in large red letters "ACAB". She gets to the door and looks back at her small apartment and locks the door. Turning her head towards the black car was her two best friends who wore the same clothes as her.

"Lets get this show on the road boys" She hops in the car and looks back at the boy in the drivers seat, Kane, and the girl in the backseat, Kayla.

Y/n Pov

I sit in the passengers seat of Kane's car with my mask slightly down so i could talk better. I have been friends with these two for the most of my life. Kayla is around 5'4 with beautiful black hair and a smile that can make anyone swoon. Her skin was like sweet soft caramel and her eyes were a chocolate brown. She is perfect. Then there is Kane, the dumbass, but my other best friend. He stood around 5'6 with short black hair, his skin being slightly darker than mine, we are both Hispanic, he was rather buff as his whole life was either doing school to become a forensic scientist or working out. Through his snarky comments he is a great friend and honestly the most well kept out of us three

"I think Kane will be the first one to start something with a cop" 'those pigs' I think to myself as i look at Kane who is currently driving. He smirked and let out a chuckle.

"I don't disagree with you, if they piss me off i will throw hands" He simply shrugged and smiled as he kept his eyes on the road. Both me and Kayla laugh, its nice to have a lightened mood for what we are about to get into.

"Hey so you are still single?" Kayla pokes my cheek and i slap her hand away. I scoff and rolled my eyes.

"Yea so what, I still haven't met anyone who gives me the butterflies or whatever, besides i'm good being a hoe" Which is a complete lie. I haven't slept with anyone for ages.

"Maybe if you didn't waste your life away on Tiktok you would have someone" Kane says with a snort as he nudges me with one hand. I look at him and slaps him upside the head. "HEY! I'm driving here" He exclaimed while shaking his head and he starts to slow down as he gets to the protest area and where the march start. I didn't reply to what he said and i put my mask back on my face. I hop out the car and looked around and the hundreds of people around with a smile. Kane and Kayla both come around to my side and look out to the crowd. Of course there was a wall of police blocking off some areas.

"Cowards" I mutter under my breath as i cross my arms and look at the wall of police with an extra amount of armor and protection as if we are going to kill them.

"Holy shit he is built like a giraffe" Kayla says as she points towards the area with the police. I look over and see an, at least, 7ft tall person person with a thick layer of armor and helmet like mask, at least that's all i could see from my distance. i felt a weird feeling in my stomach and i furrow my brows, butterflies? a gut feeling? either way it was odd. Of course it cant be attraction i mean i cant even see what they look like, But god they were tall. i was staring for a very long while until fingers snapped in front of my face.

"Earth to dumbass, lets go the march is about to start" Kane says snapping his finger and starting to head off. Kayla follows right behind and i scramble soon with them, i shake my head and i join the screaming

"Black lives matter!"

Who knows how this is going to go


Hello hi this is new, if you have any suggestions to progress the story or advise dont be afraid to comment. i hope you like this first chapter, this will be a slight slow burn but i wont drag it out too much. Anyways thank you for reading

Also stan anonymous 🥰

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