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y/n pov

"Black lives matter!" I scream along with the crowds of people yelling at the police. We have been going about this for many many hours. Muffled voices of different phrases surround me as more and more protesters swarm in. I eventually get to the front where the wall is, those cowards, pigs, they don't deserve to carry any weapons or armor. I keep yelling the same phrase until all the cops start to look at each other. They take a beat and look at each other which causes the crowed to start to quiet down. They nodded and start to charge towards the crowed to move them and push them away from the area. Unfortunately i was right up front so i got the most worst of it. I froze in place not moving and i started to freak out not knowing what to do. The sounds of the police yelling at me to move was causing my ears to ring and i didn't budge. One of the police men grabbed my mask ripping it off and spraying pepper spray in my face, i scream and fall to the ground. The ringing doesn't stop and i couldn't open my eyes. 'Is this it? this quick?'  I thought as i could basically feel the world slipping through my fingers. 

"YOU FUCKERS COULDN'T YOU SEE SHE WAS PETRIFIED?!" A very deep voice replaces the ringing in my ears. I tried to move but there was nothing, I felt strong hands grip my shoulders and lift me up. Kane? No his voice isn't as deep as this ones. A swift as wind i was in someones arms. They felt huge, was this man even human? i wish i could see just who this was. The sounds of screaming fade away as i was set down.

"Hey Hey are you okay? Fuck those stupid pigs. Don't talk just yet let me help you" The deep voice says. I felt very large hands on my cheek as he holds my head up, there was a moment of no movement, was he staring at me? 'please don't stare it makes me feel insecure'  why am i thinking about that now? I felt a slight shake in his hand and then there was a splash of what i would assume is milk that rushes over my face, the pain didn't go away but the stinging started to fade away and I gasp and tense at the cold. The milk stop pouring and then i soon felt water, or what i would assume as water shoot in my eyes. I jolt almost jumping back from his grasp.

"Sorry i should have warned you" Wow his voice was just amazing, soft and silky but deep and brooding. Kinda reminds me of Darth Vader or Kylo Ren. "Alright you can open your eyes now" I do so and slowly open my eyes. My vision was blurry and it takes a minute for it to clear but once it does...shit...

"How are you feeling?" He asked keeping his hand on my cheek. I blink a few times. 'I-Its him..-' 

"The giraffe-" I accidentally say out loud. His head jerks back a bit and he starts to laugh. I cover my mouth and my eyes widen."Shit- My bad i didn't realize i would say that out loud-" I start to ramble but i quiet down when he doesn't stop laughing. 

"No need to be sorry but that was a great way of saying thanks. Being 7ft tall has its perks so don't sweat it" He gets up and he towers of me, his hand extends out to me and i take a beat to take him in. Holy hell how is he real? I reach out and take his hand which were very large from mine. He swiftly lifts me up 

"I-..Uh thanks.." I mutter and brush off my shirt and pants. I touch my face and groan. "Fuck...my glitter i cant go back out there"

"Glitter to cover your identity? Hey don't worry-" As he spoke he grabbed his bag and reaches in. Soon he pulls out this small capsule and it was silver glitter makeup. He put his finger under my chin. His hands felt so strong but gentle, like he could basically crush me with a simple clutch of his hand but he would be able to hold a baby bird with such caution. I mean he was such a large man i wouldn't expect him to be any kind of gentle but this...this was something different. Why does my stomach feel weird, I want to see his face but i doubt he would reveal himself in public and to me of all people. I didn't realize i was getting lost in thought and i felt warm fingers on my face and i let out a sharp gasp. "Sorry i should really work on telling you before i do things- apparently i startle you a lot" He let out a very soft laugh- the same laugh from earlier. It felt melting, dare i even say intoxicating. 

"Y-yea-" 'really just yea, cmon i need to talk more than that' "Uh why are you carrying glitter, from what i see you don't need it with your mask and all- Are you a pretty pretty princess~" 'Wow that's the best you could do'  

His masked didn't move and his fingers stopped spreading the glitter around my eyes, like he froze. I could see the lower half of his face that had the cloth over his mouth. The small imprint where his mouth was curls into a smirk. "A pretty princess huh? Not necessarily though just call it a coincidence or fate that i had a feeling to take my friends glitter when she told me to hold it" 

"Your friend?" I asked with curiosity as i take a peak behind him to the crowed. He turns and points to the left. i squinted a bit and saw a figure with an hourglass type body shape. She looked about the same height of the guy and she wore the same armor and covering as him. Wow more of his 'kind'?

"I have another friend here as well, he is right there" He points to the right- as expecting same outfit and this time there were dreads coming out of his helmet, i nod and look back at him.

 He turns around and looks back at me and finishes the glitter. "I see..the sun is going down and it will be curfew so-" As if on cue my phone dings and i jump a bit. I take few steps back and pull out my phone;

Dumb gay bitch to 2 chicks 1 sad boy: Hey its curfew in 30 minutes lets bounce

The LOML to 2 chicks 1 sad boy: Gotcha, hurry up y/n

"Need to go?" I jump at the sound of his voice as if he wasn't there, i send a simple thumbs up and nod as i look up at him

"Yes actually" He tilts his head looking at me for a bit.

"Shame, used my glitter for nothing" He lets out a chuckle clearly joking, i giggle along with him and shake my head dismissively.

"Alright alright- will i see you tomorrow?" I hinting a bit of hope in my voice looking up at him.

"I would hope to see you again tomorrow, if you give me the honor"

I hit his chest playfully- 'o-ow..' i mask my obvious pain in my hand and i laugh "Yes we will see each other tomorrow- i uh have to go,see you tomorrow...uh.."

"Tank, call me tank"

"Right, tank- y/n" I nod smiling and running off, my heart was racing, his voice made a lump grow in my throat and i let out a shaken breath. What the hell is wrong with me, why on earth do i want to fuck him..no i'm just being horny on main. I shake away my thoughts and run up to Kane and Kayla. I stop and slouch over putting my hands on my knees catching my breath

"What the hell happened to you?" Kane says, i soon catch my breath and look up at him

"Nothing nothing, Lets just go home" I say and i sigh hoping into the car and closing my eyes. Kane and Kayla shoot a glance at each other and they get into the car driving me home. An eventful day, my mind flooded with thinking about tank, He was on my mind when i took a shower, eat, and went to bed, hell he was in my dreams. What does this mean...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2020 ⏰

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