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Tay has always been in love with New, everyone could tell. They were often tease by their co-workers on and off cams. He will always blush, and most of time he regrets that he couldn't hide his emotions well. It shows, he's clearly in love with his best friend.

Sometimes, he wish to himself, that what they were portrayed in series were true, where New actually likes him. Where taynew is actually an item, but that's not the case in real life.

New is straight, and had never even thought of dating someone with the same gender, to be specific: someone like him. He had a girlfriend. Correction, he currently have a girlfriend. He's sincerely sorry, that New had to lie about him having a girlfriend for the sake of their fans.

As much as he wants to, he couldn't lie to himself that it actually hurted him.

He was the last person to ever know, that New already has a girlfriend. To be honest, what they show with cameras on are all scripted there is no Taynew behind the cameras. It was always Tay.

To add the fact that New barely knows him. Like he couldn't even pronounce his name well.

To think of his current situation, drains him mentally, emotionally, and physically. . .

"Tay!" Finally he was snapped back into reality. It was New who was looking at him confused. He almost forget that were in an interview. Quick to gather himself he looked into the camera, shyly smiling. "Sorry guys, I didn't ate breakfast, i'm really hungry, sorry for spacing out." Followed by a shy fake laugh.

As the interview continues, he has nothing on his mind but how miserable his life is, how unlucky he is. And. . .

"Tay, you haven't eaten right? You can have mine, since I have spare." Oh the interview was over and they were preparing for shooting their scenes in Dark Blue Kiss Series.

"No, seriously, I can buy myself one." Turning his face away, as he was blushing so hard. His face and ears feels hot.

"No you can have it." New offered as he shoved it into his cold hands. He couldn't just decline his offer, with those eyes staring back at him, his face starts to feel hot again.

"Thank you New" He smiled brightly it almost blinded him.

"Miss Jane did you filmed that?" New asked, behind Tay was their manager. Tay's smile dropped, all of it was scripted.

"Yes, i'm sure lots your fans will love it!" Jane exclaimed clapping her hands, almost dropping her phone. "Gosh, i'll leave you two here." She exclaimed, waving her hands in goodbye.

"Can I have my lunch back?" Sure asshole, he whispered to himself. Of course, what on the earth will new give him his "spare lunch".

"Now I can eat peacefully." New hums, as he sniffed his food, taking his first bite.

"New, please tell Miss jane that i'll be out for lunch." New hummed in response, still busy devouring his meal. He stepped out of the room and closed the door behind him.

He was startled when his phone rang, furiously he picked it up

"What in the hell. . ."

"Is that how you talk to your owner?" It was Gun, his pet. Or perhaps, his owner??

"You are my pet. What the heck Gun, can't you just let me have my lunch peacefully." He sighed in distress.

"Wow, I thought you already have your lunch. Didn't New gave his meal to you?" Followed by an annoying hyena laugh.

"Really Gun? HA-HA-HA-HA that was the funniest joke i've ever heard from you." He sarcastically said. "So why did you call me?"

"I'm inviting you for a dinner..." Tay didn't let Gun finish his words "Never, i'll never go out on a date with you. Really, what the hell!"

"Let me finish my words, damn Tay! That's why he's not interested in you." Wow, that hurts.

"Shut the fuck up, Gun." He whispered, his pain is pretty obvious on his tone, which Gun quickly catched on. "Sorry Tay, what I was saying is that i'm inviting you out for dinner. Not because I want, but someone wants to."

"Are you playing match maker now Gun?" He heard Gun chuckled on the other line. "Kind of, Tay you're 28, turning 29 in  few months, and has never dated anyone. Take this as my early gift, you'll never regret it."

"Fine, whatever you want Gun."

"I'll that as a 'thank u', always welcome my pet." Gun hang up. Part of him secretly thanks Gun.

'why loving you is like this?'

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