New Beginnings : Prologue pt. 1

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It felt like Marinette's world was crashing down before her eyes.

Marinette's eyes were like leaky faucets, producing a steady flow of tears. Her eyes were red around the edges, and her porcelain skin was stained from dried tears and ruined mascara. The first signs of spring were making themselves known; the hot rain from the first spring shower mingled with the sting of fresh tears that were making their way down her pinkish cheeks.

She had got up the courage to tell Adrien, the so-called love of her life, how she felt about him. How she forgot how to function whenever he was around. How her words got jumbled up and she stuttered like an idiot whenever she tried to talk to him. How her face got hot and her heart rate sped up everytime he smiled at her. How his perfect hair, his perfect smile, his beautiful green eyes, his scent, everything about him drove her crazy.

She poured out her heart to him, even though she knew the answer, she had hoped against hope that he would accept her feelings.

" I'm sorry," he had said when she finally confessed after school had ended for the day. Adrien looked guilty and it looked like he wanted to say something after that, but Marinette didn't wait for him to confirm what she already knew before she took off.

Adrien liked someone else. She wasn't the one he had eyes for.
She was just a friend.

"Marinette," Her kwami, Tikki, said, peeking up from her purse. "Are you okay?" Tikki looked up at her owner with concern. She had never seen Marinette cry like this before, and it made her really worried.
Marinette wiped her eyes on her sleeve and gave the red spotted kwami a weak smile. "I'm fine," she said. "I expected that, anyway."
"I'm sure you'll find someone who loves you for you, Marinette! But in the meantime, you still have me!" Tikki said in an attempt to cheer her up.
Marinette laughed, a sour, painful sound. "Thanks, Tikki. But it's just not the same."
Out of the corner of her eye, Marinette saw something flying in her direction. Her bluebell eyes widened with fear as she realized what it was.
"Think happy thoughts Marinette!" Tikki said, trying to get her owner's mind off the situation. "Don't let negative emotions get the best of you!"

Happy thoughts happy thoughts happythoughtshappythoughts!

Marinette's mind practically screamed at her. But her pain did not go away, instead it mixed with her fear to create an even bigger whirlwind of negative emotions in her head. Before she knew it, she heard a man's evil laughter infiltrating her mind.
"Miss Fortune," the voice boomed.


"Miss Fortune, you finally told your crush how you feel, only to have your heart broken! Well now, I am giving you the power to get back at those who hurt you, and fill their lives with bad luck!" Hawkmoth laughed again, causing Marinette to wince.
"Marinette, you have to fight it! Tikki whispered, desperately trying to bring her owner back.
"I... Can't!" Marinette groaned, clutching her head as if she had a headache. She knew she had to say no. She was Ladybug; the savior of Paris; strong and brave; she couldn't let negative emotions get the best of her. If she got akumatized, Cat Noir wouldn't be able to stop her own his own, especially since Ladybug was the only one who could purify the akuma. She had to remain in control, for the sake of Paris. But Hawkmoth was too powerful, and a part of her thought maybe what he was promising wasn't too bad, after all.

"Marinette? Is that you?" A voice asked, causing her thoughts to evaporate. Startled, Marinette whipped her head to see where the voice came from.
It was Luka, staring at her with a look of concern. "Is something wrong?"

Marinette looked back at him with regret. "Luka..." She whispered. Luka was a good friend to her, and she didn't want him to get hurt when she was akumatized. "Stay away from me, please. I don't want to hurt you."
Luka shook his head. "I'm not gonna leave you. If there's something wrong, you can talk to me."
Marinette groaned, her head pounding. "You've been... so good to me... Luka.." she muttered breathlessly. "But I'm afraid... you're... too late..."

"Marinette!" Luka cried, rushing towards her, but she pushed him away. Marinette cackled as her body was engulfed in a black substance.
"Marinette is no more! From now on, there is only Miss Fortune!"

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