Lets go!

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Jack continues to look intensely at Jacquelines boobs as she smiles with her rose smile, Jack responds "what experience". Jacqueline responds "oh... what? stop joking we all know you have been round the block...", an awkward silence follows for as long as a few seconds, and then jack breaks the ice "look, I'm a virgin ok..." he weeps "I have never ever had sex and you know what? Jacqueline listens "I wish I did cause at least I wouldn't be lying to my mates... Or have my mum ask me about me sexuality". "Oh" Jacqueline replies "yeah there you go so here!", Jack pulls his jeans and pants down. "There you happy now, it's nothing but a little shitty snail", Jacqueline stares at Jacks penis. "Look, if you don't like it then go! Because u know what!" Jacqueline promptly responds "hmm", "if I could die and be born with a bigger one then I would" Jacqueline begins to giggle, "see, you hate it, just what I was expecting". Jacqueline giggles and says "do you really think I am that bothered, you boys!! I don't know why you always priorities size" she winks and pulls jacks top off slowly. They now stand both naked, jack stood with a fully erect penis and Jacqueline giving licking her lips. She steps back a little as she now observed, Jack then says "it smells like fish u know", Jacqueline giggles a little more. She stares a little more and then, she walks back towards to Jack.

She comes close to jack as she looks him in his blue sparkling eyes, as she stares at his lips she swings both arms over his neck and they touch lips. Jack puts his hands around Jacqueline as they both start to kiss, starting off slow and soft, and then they grip closer and move their cute soft lips in sync. As they kiss jack begins to move his hands slowly down her smooth curved back, one hand on her back while the other moves down to her hips. Jacqueline begins to slip her tongue into his mouth, while jacks hand strokes along the soft round crack of her bum. He slips his hand slightly into the cheeks, as they begin to kiss intensely, sucking on each other's lips and playing with each other's tongues. Jacqueline then squats and heads for jacks penis, she opens her mouth and inserts his penis into his mouth, she begins to penetrate and suck hard on his penis as he begins to grunt, she swirls her tongue around his hardened penis as she continues to lick it. Then she stops and grabs jacks hand, pulling him to the ground. Jack lies on top of Jacquelines soft and delegate body, embedding his legs around hers, hands rapped around her head and planted softly onto her tits. They continue to kiss sensually as she inserts her tongue deeper into his mouth and throat. They lie onto their sides and begin to make out more and more intensely, jack grabbing her bum and stroking her back. Then Jacqueline turns jack onto his back and says "are you ready you sexy puff", she runs her hand down his chest, causing him to shiver in pleasure. She then moves her head down his Stomach, licking his stomach and crotch. She then goes back for seconds as she begins to suck his dick. She swirls her tongue around and penetrates with her mouth, jacks lies both of his hands onto his head and begins to breath heavily. Each breath getting deeper and deeper, he shivers on pure pleasure as she begins to travel up his body, eventually her soft tender lips reaches his mouth as they swirl there lips together. She moves her body up and positions herself to insert his dick. She then lies back down into his body and whispers into his ears "trust me, a dick was created just for this moment, you ready baby, I want all your cum inside me boy". Jacqueline then kneels back and raises her pelvis, Jack then aids her by realigning his penis as she slowly lowers that soft spongey and slippery Pussy onto his dick. As his dick slides on they both sigh in comfortable pleasure. Jacqueline begins to bleed as she sting soothes her breath, Jack whispers "are you on your period? She responds "I don't know, it's a little sore down there?" She raises her pelvis to investigate the blood, however both think nothing of it and continue. Jacqueline then fully sits on his crotch as she begins to grind and moan. She moans silently and her breath softens like the wind, her breath moves with each retract and extract, jacks penis moves side by side as she begins to grind more.

Jack with electricity flowing through to his penis, he grabs onto Jacqueline. Grabbing her breasts and waist, she lands one hand on his neck while the other lands on his chest. Jacqueline starts to breath heavier as she begins to tremble in pleasure. Jack continues to stroke her beautiful waist and back. Her hips move back and forth continuously, with one push after the other she huffs with pure pleasure, moaning under her breath she pinches Jacks eyes and sustains intense eye contact.

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