Running, Bear, Running, Sleeping

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"How close is the pack?" Thorin asked announcing Bilbo's return. We had been traveling for days and were now getting a much needed rest in a small clearing surrounded by large rocks.

"Too close. A couple of leagues no more" Bilbo responded as he came toward us "but that's not the worst of it"

"The wargs picked up our scent?" Dwalin asked looking worried

"Not yet but they will" Bilbo panted "We have a bigger problem"

"Did they see you?" Gandalf said causing Bilbo to turn toward him "They saw you"

"No that's not it"

"What did I tell you quiet as a mouse" Gandalf boasted "Excellent burglar material!"

All the dwarves nodded and chuckled quietly

"Will you listen? Will you just listen?!" Bilbo yelled finally losing his temper. "I'm trying to tell you there is something else out there"

We all muttered and looked around nervously

"What form did it take?" Gandalf asked suspiciously "Like a bear?"

"Ye yes but bigger much bigger"

They all started questioning Gandalf and throwing out suggestions talking over one another and making it difficult to think. I sighed and flopped down on the ground sick and tired of all the noise. Gandalf glanced down at me before turning towards Thorin

"There is a house not far from here where we might take refuge"

"Who's house?" Thorin questioned gruffly "Are they friend or foe?"

"Neither, he will help us or he will kill us"

"What choice do we have?"

The cry of a warg snapped me out of my half sleep and I scrambled up looking towards Gandalf

"None" he replied

We followed Gandalf out of the rocks and into an open field running like our lives depended on it which they did. My short legs began to burn and I stumbled, Fili's hand shot out and grabbed my arm dragging me upward, as soon as I recovered my balance we sprinted after the others. Bombur suddenly overtook us and continued on taking the lead much to our astonishment. 

We changed direction slightly toward a large building just as the orcs came out of the trees and into sight. I glanced up just in time to veer to the left before getting crushed against the large wood door as the dwarves slammed into it. I grabbed Fili's shoulder making him whip around and I pointed at the latch just above our heads, he nodded and reached up lifting the latch and we all tumbled in slamming the door just as a huge bear tried to break in after us.

"What is that?" Ori asked fearfully and honestly I didn't blame him I was shaking so hard the arrows in my quiver were rattling together.

"That is our host" Gandalf replied looking amused "His name is Beorn and he is a skin changer. Some times he's a huge black bear, sometimes he's a great strong man. The bear is unpredictable but the man can be reasoned with, however he is not overly fond of dwarves"

I snorted rolling my eyes "Well this was a brilliant idea! Wake me up on the off chance he doesn't kill us"

With that I lay down on a pile of straw wrapped my cloak around me and promptly fell asleep.

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