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Twenty-seven hours of labor and Jessica Reed was delivered into Emilia's world.

Emilia could never forget, would never forget, the raw shredding of her vagina as her daughter forced her way into her life.

"Mommy, do this."

"Mommy, do that."

"Where you going, mommy?"

"I hate you mommy."

Emilia wanted Jessica to know that she tried, she really tried. She wanted Jess to know that she would find someone that could take care of them both. She wanted Jess to know so many things.

But, Jess never listened.

At least not to Emilia.

Jess only listened to Emilia's mother. Only heard what her grandmother wanted her to hear. Did she know that her grandma tried to take her from Emilia? Did she know that her grandma would make her stay away? Did she know that she was trying or did she think that she was just a bad mom?

Either way, Emilia knew it was too late.

She chuckled as Thomas blocked the door into the house. "You really outdid yourself, Jessie."

"Apparently not." Jessica scoffed and turned from watching Thomas so she could roll her eyes at her mother. "How'd you know?"

"You're my daughter."

"Bullshit, I'm more like your step-sister. Grannie was my mother."

Emilia stepped down, wanting to hold her girl one last time before she left. "I tried to love you as best as I knew how."

"Then you knew nothing. Grannie was a ruthless old bitch but, at least she had my back, at least she taught me something! The only thing you ever taught me was that you were worthless and only defined by men!"

Emilia bounced her foot as Jessica ripped into her, tears fell from her eyes as she looked to Thomas. She knew what was coming, she knew Jessica would be upset. She just wished that some part of her daughter was some part of her.

But, Emilia knew deep down that her mother was reincarnated somewhere in her baby. Emilia hated her mother, hated her putting her down for every little thing. A mother wasn't meant to hate her daughter, but her mom surely hated her.

She wouldn't of forced her to keep a baby so young if she didn't.

Emilia was bawling to her mother, praying that she would understand. She was young, had no money, no boyfriend, no friends. Emilia wanted her to let her have one last chance at a life.

"You'll raise this baby." Was all she said before she slapped her goodnight.

Jessica raised her chin and furiously wiped a tear from her eye as she glared into her mother's eyes. "You were never my mother."

Emilia looked down, sniffled, then walked towards a flower pot, her back to Jessica. Tears continued to fall as she reached her hand into thorns of untrimmed rose stems and pulled out a small silver revolver. Her thumb grazed over the metal before she turned around and clicked the safety off.

Jessica's lips parted as the gun was raised between her eyes.

"I was always your mother and I always will be."

A glob of fear settled in the base of Jessica's eyelid as she nodded. "Yes, I-"

"Fuck you!" Emilia screamed, thrusting the gun further towards her daughter. "I tried so hard! I gave you life, Jessica! She didn't give you anything! I did that!"

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