Chapter 1

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Y/N= Your name
L/N= Your last name
E/C= Your eye color
H/C= Your hair color
H/L= Hair length
F/C= Your Favorite color
Y/M/N: Your Mother's name
Y/F/N: Your Father's name

Information about you:
You are 14 years old and you live in Hollywood. You became a music director and your Father is a movie director along with your Mother, who is the Co-director. Ever since your father died, your mother has got the role of director. You and your mother are the only ones left.

----------2 years later, now 16--------

You were in your music studio, your partner right beside you, working with you to make the beat of your new song for the movie you and your mother are working on.

Y/M/N: Y/N? Drew? (your partner's name) Are you all alright?

Y/N: We're fine, Mom. We're almost done with this song and we'll be off.

Y/M/N: Ok, be careful out there, you two. There's a lot of bad people out there and I don't want you two to get hurt.

Y/N: We'll be ok, Mom.

Y/M/N: Ok, call me when you're done. I'll wait for you at home.

Your mom exited out of your studio, leaving you and David behind.

------Time passes-----

You called your mom and told her that you and Drew are done with the song. After that, you and Drew walked home together.

Y/N: Hope no one comes out and hurts us.

Drew: Don't worry, Y/N. If anyone follows us, we'll just run away.

Y/N: Ok.

After a few minutes of walking, you heard footsteps behind you and Drew. You turned around and saw someone at the end of the street.

Y/N: Drew?

Drew: Yeah?

Drew looked at the direction you were looking at.

Drew and you: Run!

You and Drew started running away from the stranger that followed you. The stranger started running after you and Drew at full speed. He grabbed you from behind and his partner grabbed Drew.

???: Looks like this will be your end.~

You and Drew started crying. You two looked at each other and started crying more.

Y/N: I'll miss you, Drew...

Drew: I'll miss you too...

After that, you saw the man holding Drew, holding out a knife. You knew what he was going to do. The man stabbed Drew in the eye and David fell limp.

Y/N: NO!! DREW!!

The man you held you took out his knife and stabbed you in the torso. After a few seconds, you too fell limp.

Everything was black...

Until you woke up to see a blonde-haired girl and a red sky.

You're in Hell...

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