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What is the thing about gifts?

Gifts are material things that people buy in order to be remembered. One look at a gift that you received before makes you remember who the giver is. There becomes less of a risk of being forgotten.

That's why it is so unfortunate for those who cannot afford or aren't allowed to buy even a gift card for somebody. They risk being forgotten.

They say the good deeds you do for people helps you be remembered. What they say isn't wrong. You will be remembered, but only for a period of time; not unless you do that deed over and over again to that person.

Those parting words that you leave in your best friend's memory won't last forever. Eventually, it will become a hazy memory. There always has to be some material--some gift going along with your words. In that way, you will be remembered.

Unfortunately for me, I can't do that.

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