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Who would give you a gift in Valentines day and what present would that be ?

Aries : Italy : Pasta~

Taurus : Romano : A tomato that writes "Dammit I love you bastard"

Gemini : America : A burger that he has signed for you

Cancer : Canada : A bear toy that holds a heart

Leo : Belgium : Chocolate that is heart-shaped

Virgo : Netherlands : A card that express his feelings

Libra : Prussia : A card wizh hearts from zhe awesomest nation in zhe vhorld

Scorpio : France : A bottle of the best wine in the whole world

Sagittarius : Spain : Wayyyyyyyyyy too many roses 

Capricorn : Russia : The most beautiful sun flower that represents you 

Aquarious : Belarus : A knife , covered with your ex's blood

Pisces : Ukraine : A card written with love

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