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Who and how would confess their love for you ? (it's from a meme , but it's kinda funny XD)

Aries : America : You wanna know something ? You're my hero . Heh , kinda comy huh ?

Taurus : England : I suppose you aren't so bad , love

Gemini : France : You are almost as stunningly gorgeous as I am

Cancer : Belarus : Marry me now !

Leo : Germany :  You'd make a fine soldier

Virgo : Japan : Well ... I suppose I don't mind the invasion of privacy if it's you

Libra : Italy : *glomps* I love you more than pasta !

Scorpio : Ukraine : *glomps*

Sagittarius : Hungary : If that jackass Prussia comes near you I'll tear his throat out ! You mean too much to me to be corrupted by his "awesomeness"

Capricorn : Russia : I'd love to become one with you

Aquarious : Greece : You are more important to me than cats , PS : The idiot under me is a liar

Pisces : Turkey : A-Fucking-Course I love you , idiot ! What made ya think I didn't ? IT WAS FUCKIN' JACKASS GREECE WASN'T IT ? AND WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU CALLIN' A LIAR JACKASS ?!

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