getting the job..

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(before you read this i just wanna say i edited this story a lot because looking back it was really bad- there was more that i never posted but i also edited that because again i didn't like it so- :))) anyways the edited version will start in the next chapter)

First day on the job!

(y/n) pov

You groaned in frustration as you threw the paper you were once holding on the ground "this is stupid" you complained to your mom "honey it's just a job it won't kill you to have one" your mother replied "fine i'll get a job ok" you yelled as you stomped up to your room after picking up the paper you threw down. You flopped on the bed looking threw the paper before something caught you eye 'Freddy Fazbear's pizza reopening, night guard needed' "huh seems easy enough" you jumped up from your bed and ran downstairs "

I found a job mom i'm gonna go meet the boss and ask to take it" you told your mom "oh really what is it" she asked "it's the reopening of Freddy's" you said happily on the outside but on the inside you felt like jumping out the window "ok be careful sweetie" she called out "will do" you replied running to your car and driving there. It was farther than you expected it to be it was about an hour away but when you got there you walked inside only for the laughing of kids and the strong smell of pizza to smack you in the face.

you looked around and saw the stage held three animatronics a yellow chicken, brown bear and a blue bunny all with rosy cheeks looking like plastic dolls you felt a slight pinch of sadness as you used to come here when you were little but the animatronics you knew and loved were replaced. You shook it off and walked to the bosses office you knew it was his because above the door in gold letters 'BOSS' you walked in "uh hi" you waved he looked up and sighed, "are you here to die?" he asked.... 

A-reply in a sassy comment (ideas)

b-act normal

my frightful job at freddy's (slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now