Chapter 29: Results

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AN/ hey, anyone want to see a half-done attempt of me drawing a dragonet? Also, I am sorry for my head taking so long to sort this chapter out, I'm still not so sure about it lol X[


Sela looked back at the dark outline of the Kymari, slowly lifting her wings to 'get out of Dodge'; the kymari hadn't technically moved any closer, but the two feet between them were far to short for her liking.

He gave a nod to her as if it were a 'thanks' or something, and walked away using the rifle as a crutch.

Well now, it wasn't something expected but she took it as the opportunity it was and flew off, opening her mind to Macy and Vex. When she landed by the little burrow she had dug herself, she collapsed into a heap of half-molten scales that felt several times heavier than her normal weight. "Macy, are you still alive or do I need to go over there with a necromancer? "

"I'm the one who should be asking you that, not the other way around." Macy's mind-voice was irritated and dry, a fact that amused her. My how he had changed from the cuddly little fledgling...


"Yes, yes. I'm fine, just a little worn is all." Her mind-voice betrayed her completely, the more than exhausted sound conveying perfectly what she was trying not to betray. "... Macy, promise me something."

The sudden feeling of dread that drifted down to her wasn't a surprise, in fact it almost mirrored her own.

"Promise me that if... if I don't-"

"Don't, just please... don't. I know what you're going to say, I promise I will do whatever it takes."

Sela breathed a quite sigh of relief, allowing her heavy eyelids to close. She didn't have to actually say it. Good. "Take care, alright? If I do get back I don't want to have to get you out of any truble..." despite all her efforts, the melancholy in those few words seemed to permeate the mind-link.

For a long time the only sounds were of the insects coming back out, buzzing and chirping, several other nocturnal creatures moving about, and the distant crackle of the Kymari's fire.

A shiver ran down her spine at the cold seeping into her core, yet she didn't make an attempt to warm herself. It wasn't the cold after all.

"Hey, you know, you never did finish that one story." He paused as if trying to think before adding in a voice just as quiet as before."You know, the one about Mark and Joan."

She almost cried, hardly biting back the wimper that threatened to slip out; so much had changed since then.


"Taureen... who were the people that tried to take me?"

"A group of rogues that spans several large solar systems. Not too long ago we finally signed a treaty to end a very costly war." Taureen set aside the gadget he'd been working on, his express thoughtful. "I doubt the elders will alow any rebuttal..."

Generally Taureen was fairly good at keeping up a calm facade, but the anger sliped out in his tone anyway. Tasha tilted her head trilling softly and nudging his hand as if it would help him calm down. "I'm fine, you know that right? They didn't hurt me."

Taurren opened his mouth about to answer her when the hiss of the opening door cut him off. His eyes sharpened the moment they landed on an angry-looking Kymari male with disheveled clothes and armor much different than what the average gaurd wore.

Tasha hissed at the intrusion but something about him kept her from going at him the way she would if it were Soranto.

"I asume you already know why I'm here."

Alic appeared behind him a second later, his head hardly passing the other's shoulder. "They got Warren." Of the two, Alic was the least in control with his eyes burning and poison dripping from his tone. He looked as if he were about to explode if someone were to even say another word.

Tasha tooned out soon after, pacing around; she needed to speak with the others, maybe the first sentinel even. Anyone. She needed to know if they had gone after any of the otheres, make sure that the target was only on the 'tamed' dragonets.

"Tasha, are you alright?"

Tasha looked over at Tom as he glided off Alic's shoulder, Serena at his tail. "Not at all. Someone could be hunting us, dragonets. I'm worried they might go for the others in the flock."

"And they're more vulnerable than us..." Serena sat down heavily on her hanches, wings drooping and eyes wide. "There's not even a chance we could convince any of them to find a Kymari that they trust to stay with. They still think you're crazy for choosing to stay with Taureen."

"Exactly." Tasha stopped her pacing for a moment; what they really needed was a sentinel or five. Problem was, asside from Warren she only knew of one and she was a mystery. "We've got to contact the other flock. Do you know if anybody has tried yet?"

The pair gave each other a side-glance, their discomfort leaking down from the mind-link.

"No, last I heard everyone's stayed away from them." Tom shifted his weight and aggressively nibbled at the edge of his wing. "Haven't you spoken to drake or the others at all?"

Tasha didn't answer. "I'm going to have to talk Taureen into taking me to the park they're hiding in..."

"Tasha, there's a reason no one goes there. It's too close to the wall and there's who knows how many falcons."

"Right, for the morning song then."

"Is she even listening to us anymore? "

AN/ just me or this feel way out of character

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