Oh, Hey Its Chapter 30!: Revelation & Panic

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Swiveling his head, Macy tested the air for the slight trace of Kymari he had caught a moment ago; he wasn't sure, but he thought he recognised it for a particular one. It was the only one he knew. The constant feeling of being watched was starting to get to him, he could just feel the paranoia setting in.

Every single rising song the Kymary were there, watching . It didn't matter that they went to different locations each time, nor that they never sung in the same place more than once in a long stretch of time. One would find them, then the rest would appear shortly after.

Macy growled under his breath; they just couldn't leave them alone, could they? He raised his wings ready to fly in the opposite direction when gold flashed in his vision.

"Don't go, we need to talk!" The voice was draconic, but it was rough and awkward as if not used to speaking vocally.

Macy turned his head to face the speaker, eyes narrowing on the black harness weaving over her chest and between her wings. He didn't respond and kept his wings the way they were, waiting.

"I know this is strange to you," she spoke slowly, her head and wings in a passive position and tail not flicking the way his was. "But you have to hear me out. My flock couldn't survive outside the walls so we stayed here, when the sicora came I got hurt... a long story short they aren't bad. Several months ago a sentinel I think is from your flock was taken-"

"Warren? What do you know about him?" If it were possible his eyes narrowed even more.

"He had been under Kymari care after one had found him almost dead. He only recently recovered consciousness."

He lowered his wings, eyes widening. "He's alive..."

The dragonet warbled an acknowledgment bobbing her head. "Yes, he is, which brings me to why I'm here. Last night someone tried to kidnap the few of us who are in Kymary care... only one group of them were successful."

Macy knew it before she finished. Warren was taken and she was worried that they would go after the wild flocks. "What do you need?"



Something soft and warm pressed against Sela's side rousing her from a hazy half-sleep. She forced her eyes to open despite their resistance, finding that they weren't much use anyway because of the blure distorting the image in front of her.

She squirmed but whatever it was kept her down.

"It's alright, calm down I'm not going to hurt you."

Blinking, Sela repeated the words in her head over and over. They were gentle and... and in the Kymari language. It was the Kymari.

Her heart took off sending a rush of adrenalin through her body as a startled yelp escaped her.

"It's okay, it's okay. I'm just taking care of these borkle quills."

She wined at the pain resurrected all over, her achy muscles not strong enough to fight him off. All she could do was squirm and push at his hands, her claws scratching feebly at him.

"I know you're scared, believe me I know. Now I'm just going to wipe the gunk out of your eyes." He somehow managed to get at her eyes and her vision cleared. "There we go, that's better isn't it?"

Sela just stared at him for a long moment, frozen to where she was.

He moved off a little releasing his hold from her and wiping his hands.

She couldn't think; wether it was the pounding in her head or the sharp pain stabbing at here from where the bear-thing had gotten her she did't know.

He had helped her... a Kymari had helped her.

She scrambled back and he glanced in her direction calmly, a look strangely like a grandparents' on his face.

"You are doing much better now, aren't you? Lucky."

Her ears twitched, muscles tence.

He moved to get up but fell back with a pained grunt and a mild curse.

"Sela, hate to wake you but-"

The mental hiss Sela shot down the link was the equivalent of a startled cat's screeching, the jolt of panic answered by a very confused 'are you good?'

"No, no Macy, I... am not-" she showed him the Kymari, trembling with every unexpected or sudden move. "I am about at my witt's end and he's not helping."

"What? What happened?!"

In effort to calm down enough to think clearly, Sela took a deep breath, holding it for a long minute. "I must have passed out or something because I woke up with him pulling that over-sized porcupine's needles out of me..."

Macy went silent, not replying for what felt like an eternity.

"I'm scared, please, Macy, help... I- I can't go back to a cage- I can't." She shrunk further away from the Kymari, flinching at a mere glance.

Those eyes stared at her, empty, the needle drew closer bringing darkness with it. The restraint bit at her skin as she struggled, her throat sore from screaming.

The cage walls moved in, other dragonets calling her name, hissing, yelling-.


She caught her breath unaware she'd been holding it.

"Sella what just happened? What was all of tha- oh." Macy cut himself off sending her the image of a clear blue sky in obvious hopes that it might help.

It did help, if only a little and as it faded she realized the Kymari was watching her still, his expression quizzical.

AN/ K guys, I really need to get this out and it will take a long while for me to actually get this past my writing-perfectionist side so~
Creator me says you've waited long enough and it's less than a hundred words short of a thousand

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