Chapter 17

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Betty had the tv on in her room since she was bored of being on her phone. She switched to the news "Fires everywhere. The beach is absolutely crazy. Boxes everywhere. The plans crash might make a big tool of the whole stark industry"

Betty looked out her window. Just then she saw a swinging figure come to her house. Peter jumped in her window. "Hey"-P he took off his mask to reveal his cut up, beaten up, face. "Oh my god. Are you ok?"-B "I'm fine.. But I got Adrian to jail."-P "Tell me everything!"-B

She sat down on her bed. "I'm gonna change. Cause I never wear anything under this.. so I'll be right back"-P

He went out her window. A few seconds later he came back changed. She patted the bed next to her. He sat down next to her.

He told her everything that had happened. He got to the part where the building crushed on him.

"I looked into the water and I just heard Tony's voice in my head.. if you can't live without this suit you shouldn't have it.. I started to life everything up but I just couldn't. But then I just remembered you telling me you wanted to see me after and that just  gave me the extra strength I needed to get out of there"-P

Betty cuddled into Peters arms closer "Really? Me?"-B "Yeah"-P "Tell the rest!"-B

Peter went on and told Betty the rest of what happened .

She was sitting cris crossed across from where peter was sitting on the bed. "Wow.. that's.. wow!"-B "I'm sorry I left you at the dance"-P "It's ok. It wasn't your fault."-B

Peter sat up and reached for Betty's hands. "You had a job to do.. It was just hoco nothing special"-B "Beetttyy"-P "Peeeetter"-B "You looked so cute though."-P

"Oh!- Thank you.- but I did have a ride home and my phone was going to die so I went to this little shop by the school. The place was closing and the lady there was super nice. Anyways, I charged my phone and bought a jacket. But there were these specially made t-shirts. Of you- well Spider-Man"-B "Shirts?"-P "Yeah"-B "And the lady there said that she specially made them cause she has a crush on Spiderman"-B "Really?"-P "Yeah. I really wanted to say i had a crush on him too"-B

Betty winked, peter laughed. He held her waist and pull her towards him. He kissed her. She pulled away "Also I talked to veronica tonight"-B "About?"-P "Well she was being a bitch to me and asking me a bunch of questions about me and how I started to date you- it was just really weird"-B

Peter looked at the clock "We should sleep we have school tomorrow."-P "Oh Yeah."-B

The two went to bed.

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