Chapter 1

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Three shots later and Jungkooks mind already started to feel fuzzy. His skin felt warm and soft as he hummed to himself boredly while he held his head up in his hands, elbows placed on the dirty bar in front of him.

This had become normal for him. After a long day of hell, also known as work, he would spend a few hours winding down in the bar down the street from his shitty apartment before going home and passing out before work the next day. This is what it had been ever since he got his freedom back. Six years ago.

Another shot was placed in front of him and he glanced at it, his resolve to not take it diminishing quickly before he downed it and placed the small glass upside down on the bar.

He felt his phone buzz in his pocket and he pulled it out, glancing at the screen before declining the call. The call coming from an old acquaintance who he didn't feel like speaking to.

"So you are avoiding me. I just thought you had maybe changed your number." Jungkook didn't bother to look up, already knowing who it was.

"What do you want?" His voice was monotone and cold as he gestured for another drink, suddenly in desperate need of one in order to be apart of this conversation.

"It's been awhile. I'm surprised to see you're still alive." Jungkook just grunted in response before downing his next shot and sighing.

"Alive but not living." Jungkook mumbled to himself. The other man sighed, having heard the words and realizing his old friend was not doing any better than when he got his freedom back.

"What did you really come for Jimin." Jungkook finally stated rather than asked.

"We need you back Jungkook." Jungkook scoffed but Jimin went on. "No one can do this job better than you and you know it."

"Why do you think I quit? Those memories...they haven't gone away Jimin. I keep seeing it, him, everything. I already have a daily reminder of what he did to me, so why would I ask for more reasons to regret my existence? Whatever monster you need help catching or killing, find someone else." He pushed away from the bar and stood up before walking away, limp in his step and an ache in his knee.

A hand grabbed his shoulder gently and stopped him.

"It's one job. Just one. If you finish it we won't contact you again. Hell. I'll even have Namjoon get you set up for a while, take a break and do your own thing. Maybe see if there's something we can do about your knee, technology has evolved in the past few years so it's definitely something to look into. Just please consider it." Jungkook felt the gentle pressure of something being placed into his palm, a business card.

Jungkook simply nodded, feeling quite sobered up after the serious conversation before leaving Jimin in the middle of the dirty bar and heading back to his apartment.

Stepping up to the rotting door of his apartment, Jungkook took notice of the bright yellow flyer stapled to the door, bold letters spelling out 'EVICTION NOTICE' gave away what it was immediately.

With a sigh he tore down the paper and unlocked the apartment before tossing his keys on the table next to the door and pulling the flyer up, reading the words he's read countless times before.

"Failure to pay at least a months rent by stated date subjects the resident to eviction from their unit-" Jungkook balled up the paper and threw it on the floor before emptying his pockets. Wallet, phone, and a business card.

Jungkook picked up the card and looked it over.

Park Jimin
Supernatural Detective

He twirled the small card in his fingers as he read the number over and over in his head before grabbing his wallet and taking out a similar card.

Jeon Jungkook
Supernatural Hunter

Jungkook sighed, looking them over for several minutes before putting both cards on the table. Grabbing his phone, he stripped down to his boxers before climbing onto his futon to lie down, drawing the single blanket over his large frame and unlocking his phone to gaze at it until he fell asleep.

This had proven to be useless, usually the alcohol was enough to knock him out like every other night, but now his mind was too distracted by Jimin's words. With a defeated sigh he tossed his phone on the small table next to where he lay and rolled on his side, his hands tucked under his head while his eyes remained open.

Jungkook gazed around the small studio apartment, only about 400 sq feet, the only room doored off was the small bathroom that held a standing shower, a toilet and a small sink, leaving him barely enough room to stand as he simply needed to take a single step towards any necessity to reach it. The kitchen was no better, about four feet of counter space, two of which were taken by the sink, cabinets above the counter and below it while the stove sat in the dining room with the small fridge, leaving no room for an actual dinner table so he settled for a table large enough to hold his own lonely meal. The living area was the largest, probably because it double as the bedroom. Futon in one corner with a small tv sat in front of it that didn't work half the time, the small end table sat between the futon and the wall, the other side of the room was where the front door was, a small table next to it with enough space to walk in and close the door with minimal struggling and that was it. This was his home.

Thinking about it now, while smaller it was still much better than his previous accommodations. When he was with...him...if he wasn't locked in the basement, he was locked in the bedroom.

Jungkook shuddered at the memories, wishing more than anything that they would go away along with the ache in his knee and the scars littering his body. The only good thing that came out of his abduction was when he finally killed the sick bastard and escaped.

Finally deciding to at least attempt to sleep, he forced his eyes closed and sighed deeply, trying to relax his always tense body. It definitely took a while, but he finally managed to fall into his usual fitful sleep.

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