Chapter 2

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It was dark, his skin was damp with sweat, water, and blood. The lone boy breathed heavily and wheezed every time he coughed, only to groan in pain after.

He had forgotten what he had done to receive this punishment, but he knew it must have been bad. He could feel the numerous bites on his body thrum with pain, the sick bastard biting him just for the sake of making him bleed, not evening feeding from him. Or maybe he did feed from him. All he could remember was passing out from pain, so that monster would have had the chance to. It would explain why he felt so heavy and weak anyway.

He was dizzy and disoriented. The boy had no idea how long he had been down here, it was too dark and there were no windows that could indicate what time of day it might have been. He had no clue how many times he passed out, or how long he was out each time. He only remembers waking up occasionally to the sharp pains in his body. Wrists and arms numb from being chained above him. Shoulders aching from the uncomfortable stretch, which forced his body to tense up every once in a while to relieve the pressure in his arms and back. But no matter how he tried to position his body, everything still hurt.

After that monster had his fun chaining him up and biting him open, he doused him with freezing cold water, and the boy was almost sure he would get sick if he didn't die first. He let out another cough followed by more wheezing, feeling like his lungs would serve a better use on the floor than in his body.

Despite being soaked to the bone with water, his body managed to sweat as he struggled to maintain his upright position, the chains holding his arms above his head were lifting him just so his feet barely touched the floor underneath him. The strain of his muscles being pulled burned as he tried not to move too much but not being able to control the shivering his body was forced to endure to try and warm him up again.

He was exhausted, assuming he had been in this position for several hours, so he had immediately assumed he was dreaming when he saw the only door open, light spilling in before disappearing as the door closed once more.

"Mhmhmhm." He heard a dark chuckle, making him tense up once more as the voice continued. "My my Jungkookie. You look absolutely delicious in this position. Tell me, have you learned your lesson?" The low taunting voice of his captor spoke to him, sending chills through his body on top of the shivering he was already experiencing.

He felt himself nodding instinctively and almost mechanically, forgetting about the rules he was forced to follow. He could barely manage a gasp as a harsh slap sent his head to the side. A deep ache awoke in his jaw as he slowly turned his head back to the man in front of him, trying desperately not to anger him anymore.

"Jungkookie, you know I don't like it when you don't use your words. Now tell me. Did you learn your lesson?" Jungkook could hear the smirk and the malice in his voice as he once again asked the question, this time gripping his chin harshly between his fingers while Jungkook tried not to wince in pain.

Slowly, Jungkook nodded his head and parted his dry cracked lips before answering in a raspy and dead voice, "Yes master." He spoke quietly. Luckily the man heard him well enough, and if the smirk on his face was anything to go by, he seemed satisfied with his answer.

"Do you remember what you did?" He asked, fingers tightening around his chin enough to where his nails pierced the pretty flesh. Jungkook felt himself tense as his eyes widened, suddenly feeling more awake. His pulse quickened in fear as he tried to think what it was he did that warranted this punishment.

"No? Poor dumb baby." The monster cooed pitifully, but it was nothing more than a taunt as he patted Jungkook's head like he was a child. "I suppose a few more hours-"

"Wait!" Jungkook's stomach dropped immediately as he realized he had just interrupted him, and quite rudely at that.

"Hm? What is it dumb bunny? Why did you interrupt master? You know he doesn't like that." The man spoke, nails digging deeper into the skin on his chin, almost making the weak boy cry out. Jungkook's lip wobbled instead as he managed to recall what is was that he did.

"I-I'm sorry. I'm sorry for r-ruining your dinner by throwing a f-fit and embarrassing y-you in f-front of Mr. M-Min. And just n-now for interrupting you. Could you ever f-forgive me?" He blubbered, feeling like he might cry if he had to stay in this position any longer.

He couldn't see his master's face, but he knew the man was smirking at him. His apology had struck a chord within the monster, and that gave Jungkook an uneasy feeling as his chin was released from the harsh grip before a light kiss was placed on the corner of his mouth.

"Such a good boy. I think you deserve a reward for being so kind hm?" His master cooed as he stepped behind the boy's weak body. He flinched as he felt the familiar cold hands touch his bare torso before moving down to his naked crotch, making him let out a small whimper before releasing a relieved breath when that same hand moved to his hip instead. Fingers brushing over a bite that was still trickling a little blood made Jungkook slightly hopeful.

Jungkook thought he would keep his hand there and maybe close the numerous bite marks, but he felt himself shivering from more than just the cold as he felt cold lips kiss his neck in numerous places while the other hand trailed to his lower back, moving lower until it grasped his ass tightly in one hand, then the hand smothered in blood traveled along the exposed crevice before venturing further in between.

"P-Please...don't. M-Master please n-

NO!" Jungkook bolted upright, breathing heavily as sweat coated his body, pulse racing in fear at the all too vivid memory while his body thrashed around, fighting off non existent figures until he suddenly realized he was awake. He was awake. At home. In his shitty apartment. Not...there

Jungkook couldn't stop the sigh of relief that left his lips, lungs clenching tightly while he tried calming himself down from an oncoming panic attack. Once he was sure he wasn't going to have an attack, he ungracefully rolled off of his futon before stumbling onto his feet and moving to the front door blindly.

Phone in hand, he used that to guide him to what he needed, and once he had the small card in his fingers once more he typed the number into his phone. Just as he was about to press 'call', he hesitated. Unsure of what this would accomplish, Jungkook could only hope that it would help stop the memories of him plaguing his sleep.

Closing his eyes, he pressed the small green button and stood there in his small apartment, waiting anxiously as the line rang for several seconds before stopping. A bit of shuffling before a familiar voice rang through his speaker.

"Jungkook, you called quicker than I expected. Have you had time to think about my offer?"


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2020 ⏰

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