Steve wakes up next to a person with curly dirty blonde hair "Uhhh fuck" he says trying to recount the events of last night, the blonde person turns so that their facing Steve but their's billy steve says "shit shit shit" billy groans waking up "mornin' Steve" Steve lays back down groaning he calls scoops ahoy "yeah I can't come in today I'm sick" Billy looks at the brunette saying "what happened last night" Steve shrugs "well we aren't going to work because hangover" billy realises that both of them are naked, he puts his boxers on, Steve bites his lip softly.

Billy just kind of lays in the bed "Soo are we gonna talk about it or-" Steve smashes his lips into Billy's lips billy opens his mouth Steve puts his tongue in billy thinks "omg"  they make out. Once billy pulls away he lays back down hungover as fuck Steve lays down next to him "are we dating or-not" billy says "I guess I mean we must've fucked last night so I guess we are?!?" Steve says "I'm fine with that" billy gives Steve multiple hickeys billy blushes intensely.

Steve stops, billy keeps his mouth at the perfect :o face Steve smashes his lips against Billy's lips shoving his tongue in Billy's mouth billy thinks "Mm warm and wet just how I like it" Steve pulls away "I like the way you taste" he licks his lips making billy melt into moans, as usual their clothes end up on the floor, Steve shoves his dick into Billy's ass causing billy to become a moaning mess steve pulls out and licks all the cum off of Billy's tip making billy extremely hard steve says seductively "you like that pretty boy" billy moans nodding. Steve bites his lip he starts squeezing Billy's neck whilst choking him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2020 ⏰

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