Chapter 7: What happened last night?

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My eyes fluttered open to the bright, eye scolding sun. I squeezed my eyes shut tight and winced in pain as my body was shot with a jolting strike of pain.

I sat up to shake the pain off, but it only made the pain worse. I held my throbbing head, rocking back and forth nearly about to cry.

As the headache finally began to retreat I looked around at my surroundings.

I was in a beige room, graffiti on the walls, trash and plastic cups on the ground. Michael and Janet were nowhere to be found.

"Michael?! Janet?!" I screamed hoping to get a response. My pounding headache got stronger, I could now taste the bitterness of alcohol stuck in my mouth.

Michael walked through the door with Janet both holding their heads. We looked at eachother confused...

"what happened last night?" We all asked in unison.

We left the hotel in confusion...what did happen last night?

We got back in the car, everything was still very unfamiliar and my eyes still felt heavy.

I laid my head on the window and slowly my memory came flowing back to me.


We had just gotten in the car. Michael was still pretty mad and he just started driving.

I just sat back thinking about what just happened. I had just found out my mother's deepest secret.

I never wanted to go back there. We made a stop at a big yellow house.

"Come on" Michael said just under a yell to us. He must have still been mad.

We got out of the car and made our way to the door. After a few knocks the person opened the door and allowed us to walk in.

It was a big buff man. He had a blunt in his hand and as you walked deeper  in the house it got harder to see because of all the smoke.

He told us to sit on the couch as he went upstairs. The bottom of my thighs were stuck on the plastic on the couch.

Janet and I looked at eachother and busted out laughing. The man came back down with a few blunts in his hands.

He lit one and took a hit of it then passed it on to Michael. He skipped the blunt and handed it off to me.

"How do I do it?" I asked beginning to laugh.

He chuckled and took the blunt away from me. He held it up to his lips and inhaled some in. He held it for a few seconds then blew it out his nose.

I took the blunt from him and eagerly inhaled some of it, I fell on the floor as my eyes rolled to the back of my head. He began to violently cough as everyone started laughing at me.

"Nah man, you can't do it like that. It's ya first time so you gon be coughin fa a while" Michael chuckled picking me up and sitting me on his lap.

I gave the blunt to Janet. She just inhaled it like it was nothing. After a while the blunt was gon.

We were just sitting there laughing. Soon more people started gathering in the house.

Girls were twerking to the music, guys were grinding on girls, people were falling on the floor and sleeping. If I had to choose, this would be the best moment of my life.

Everything was going good until gun shots started going off. All three of us ran out of the house laughing our asses off.

We bursted out into more laughter as Michael bumped into multiple cars as we were driving out of the driveway.

We made our way to a motel. Janet and I was snickering as Michael led us to the room we were staying in.

Janet and I plopped down on the bed and were quiet for a while. We erupted into more laughter as Michael nearly tripped over a beer bottle that was on the floor.

"It's not funny!" He defended stumbling over to the bed.

He laid his head on my lap and started laughing with us. After a while we finally quieted down and agreed on doing prank calls.

Michael called McDonald's and pretended to be a man who found a roach in his fries.

"Hello?...yes I found a roach in my fries....this is disgusting and highly unprofessional...calm down?"

The worker hung up which made us start laughing.

Michael and Janet fell asleep in the room. I left the room and went to the double door that was attached to the room.

I plopped on the bed and went straight to sleep...

To be continued.....

I don't really like this chapter, but ian have no mo Ideas. Hopefully y'all liked it though💀 I haven't updated this book inna while and I was feelin bad for not updatin so here it is...byeeee🤪

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