Part 3

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The next morning I was wrapped up in a blanket with Prince laying behind me. He was holding me. It seemed he knew he fell asleep and saw I was asleep, too. The music was still going, but the TV was off and the sun was just coming up. I shifted, curling up so I could be closer to him. Jake was never like this. He usually just slept wherever and if he got woken up he was angry. But Prince, it seemed like he slept so hard I could shave his head and he'd never know. Which I could never do. I loved Prince's hair, his eyes, his skin, his voice, I loved everything about him. I knew he was damaged. I knew he was hurt and confused sometimes when it came to affection from other people and it never bothered me. He never lashed out in anger, he just never really told me when there was something wrong. Prince always expressed how he felt through his music which was something I knew the first time I read the lyrics from one of his songs. Maybe I was falling in love with him. Whatever it was it just seemed like I couldn't be without him again. Prince shifted in his sleep and rolled onto his back. I rolled over watching him. I gently tucked one of his curls behind his ear letting my fingers trace his jawline slowly. As soon as he started to shift I started stroking his cheek. "'re okay." I whispered. I rested my chin on his chest while our legs got tangled up. I've never felt so safe like this. I took his other hand letting it rest on his stomach so I could look at his fingers. Prince's fingers were long and his fingernails were just the same. The pads of his fingers were rough from playing guitar. Right as I was tracing down his joints and to his knuckles I felt his fingers lock with mine. Prince was holding my hand in his sleep. I relaxed just laying there listening to him breathe and closed my eyes. "I love you." I whispered. I fell asleep again but only for a moment before I felt him roll over to face me. I opened my eyes and he was awake. "Good morning." I said to him. He smiled. "Thanks for leaving the music on." I watched his large eyes slowly blink. I couldn't speak because of how I was feeling right now. Nothing made me happier than to be with him. We just laid there watching each other. "Do you wanna go out today?" He asked. It shocked me since he was always so busy. "Where do you want to go?" I asked. "I'm not sure. Maybe the arcade or that one place we went to where I got you high for the first time." I giggled. "That farm? In the barn? Old Man Johnson's farm?" Prince slyly grinned. "Yeah. I mean we can't get high now, but we can lay there or something. I can bring a radio or my guitar." In the moment, I kissed him. I don't know what's wrong with me but all I could think about was how much I loved him. I kissed to his cheek down to his neck and continued kissing. "So is that a yes?" Prince whispered. "Mmhmm." I replied. I started doing more open mouthed kisses which ultimately made him moan. I rolled him over onto his back laying between his legs sucking on his neck. I knew he could hide it with makeup and his shirt so I wasn't worried. Prince played with my hair and held it when I'd suck too hard. But when I pulled away and saw I left the perfect hickey I felt proud. Prince started kissing me roughly which was turning me on. I rolled over to get under him sliding my hands up his back. I got his shirt off which broke our kiss. Then, there was a knock at the door. "Who is it?!" Prince yelled. I was still kissing on him. "It's Matt. Let me in." Prince growled and got up to open the door. Fink rushed in. "It's cold as hell today." I frowned looking at Prince. That means we wouldn't be able to go out tonight. I smelled food coming from the brown bag that Fink brought in. Oh no, the morning sickness was about to start. I got up and went to the bathroom while Prince and Fink sat down and talked. Meanwhile, I was having morning sickness and it was terrible. I made sure to clean up and brush me teeth and tongue after I was done. When I came out I smelled the food again. I immediately went to our bedroom and shut the door. I took some of Prince's cologne and sprayed it on our blanket just so I didn't have to smell the food. I turned on the little radio by his bed listening to it to pass the time until Fink left or until the food was gone. It was awhile later when Prince came into the room. "Hey, you okay?" He sat on the bed. "Yeah just a little sick is all. The baby." Prince stroked my hair. "Do you still wanna go out tonight?" I nodded. "As long as it doesn't involve me being around food I think I'll be okay." He continued stroking my hair. "I wanna stay in. At least until your morning sickness calms down." He was worried for me. I took his hand off my hand and put his arm around me so he could hold me. I wasn't sure how he felt about all of this, but I know for sure that he hated Jake with a passion. I rolled over facing him watching his eyes. Prince smiled. "You know you're the only person I could ever talk to." I said to him. "I've never been so open with anyone else but're such an amazing person. Whether you want to believe it or not, Prince you really are a blessing." He blinked slowly. "Why are you saying this?" Prince asked. "Because I want to. Because you need to hear it. I don't know what happened with you and your ex, but I know while I was with Jake all I could think about was you. I never felt like this with him. The way I feel about you right now..." I let it out, and a tear fell from my eyes. I put my face in his chest. "I don't ever want to leave you again. I don't want to be apart from you anymore. I want to be with you...I love-" Prince pulled me away from him and kissed me really hard. I barely had time to react, but the kiss was full of passion I couldn't let it go. I kissed him back rolling on top of him. Prince pulled away. "Go lock the door..." He whispered. I got up making sure I wasn't going to be sick and I went and locked the apartment door, took the phone off the hook, and walked back in. I had never wanted someone this bad before. I shut our bedroom door and locked it as well before I slid his shirt off of me. I was standing there topless in front of him and had never felt so shy in my life. "Jake and I...We never really did stuff like this. It was just sort of cut to the chase kinda thing..." I looked at him my head slightly down and he was undoing his pants. Do know you want to take them off. You've thought about doing it for years. I walked up to him and kissed him pushing him gently onto our bed. I was shaking because I was nervous but also very aroused. Then it took a turn of events when he decided he wanted to be in control. Prince rolled me over and kissed me. He was taking off his own pants getting under our covers and kissing the chill bumps on my tits. I kicked away my own pants and rolled over onto my stomach like I was always told to do by Jake. He said that was the only sex position that guys liked. Apparently he was right-ish. Instead, Prince picked my hips up and I had my hands and face on the pillow. He slid into me from the back and I felt really uncomfortable for a minute because he was definitely bigger than Jake. I gripped the pillow and picked my head up. Prince laid on my back kissing my neck and I didn't mind turning my head so he could get more room. "Prince..." I was shaking as he reached between my legs to play with my clit while he was pumping into me. I moaned so loud and laid down watching his face in the mirror of his vanity dresser. He kissed my shoulder before telling me to roll over. I did as he said and as soon as I got comfortable he was back inside of me again. I had never done this position before, but I trusted him. Prince was getting sweaty his curls getting in his eyes. I moved them away and kissed him before he reached up and grabbed the headboard fucking me harder. I screamed and he moaned right by my ear. I closed my eyes. Prince was so good at making love I was sure I wasn't going to last much longer. "Look at me." He moaned. My thighs were shaking as I looked at him. He put his hand on my cheek. I looked right into his eyes breathing heavy. I wasn't used to Jake lasting this long, even though this wasn't long at all, but definitely much longer than I had even thought about. "P-Prince. I love you..." I moaned. It made him pump harder. I watched sweat trickle down his face. I grabbed some of his hair while my other hand slid down his back. I went to his ear taking the pierced lobe between my teeth and bit gently. "I'm so close, baby. You're gonna make me cum so hard." I whispered by his ear. He was begging for it at this point, and so was I. Eventually he got tired of my teasing and put his hand on my throat but not squeezing. I knew it was just playful. "C'mon..." he said. I watched his eyes, there was a fire in them. "C'mon..." I moaned. "Don't be shy. It's only you and I." He whispered. I moaned a little louder. Prince was getting me really close to my orgasm. I bit my lip whining a little as I was trying so hard to tighten around him. He moaned. "C'mon then..." I put my hand on Prince's chest gently pulling at the hair my eyes starting to roll back. "I-I'm cumming..." He grinned. "Imagine what you look like from across the room. You're almost there..." Eventually, I couldn't take it and I had an orgasm that rocked my body up and down. Especially in my hips and thighs. I hugged around his neck, feeling and hearing him cum too. Right inside of me. We sat there just for a little bit. "I love you." He said out of breath. I let him stay there as we held one another. I stroked his hair as he laid on my shoulder for the longest time until he eventually pulled out of me. I got a towel from the shower I had by the bed to clean up. I still had the shakes, I still had the chills. This was the best feeling I've ever had. I threw the towel in the dirty laundry hamper and laid down  on his chest. I kissed gently around his nipple curling up as I fell asleep with him.

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