Part 6

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It's been a couple of years now and Prince and I are still together. Cadence is two, and all three of us were moving into his home Paisley Park. It was his studio as well. Cadence was so excited to have a play room and I was excited to be in a bigger living place. MUCH bigger. While the movers were moving us in, Prince walked up to me after getting a haircut.

Needless to say, he was looking so handsome now

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Needless to say, he was looking so handsome now. Not that he never wasn't before, but now all I could think about was trying our new bed out. Cadence ran up to me right as Prince was about to speak. "Mama, I wanna go outside." I smiled. We had put a swing set outside for Cadence to play on. I couldn't believe that me working with him on his talking helped him say full sentences at age 2.  "Okay sweetie. I'll be right outside okay? Make sure you hold Mira's hand." Mira was our nanny and she was so helpful when Prince and I were working. She took Cadence outside and I faced him giving him a kiss. "Your haircut is amazing." I said running my fingers through his greased back locks. He grinned putting his arms around me. "Do you like our home?" I held his hand bringing him outside. "I love it. It's exactly what you envisioned." I sat there and watched as Cadence was being helped onto the baby swing. He was so tiny. "Do you think you could be free tomorrow?" Prince asked. It seemed strange. He knew my working schedule because he made it ever since I started working for him. My job was to make sure his fan mail was taken to the post office which was hard sometimes because there was so much of it. "Of course...why?" He kissed my cheek. "Just make sure Mira is free to watch Cadence, too. I want us to go out tomorrow. To celebrate." It seemed so off of him to do this, but I smiled and nodded. Prince gave me another kiss before going back inside and I went out to see Cadence and Mira. "Um, Prince was wondering if you could-" "Of course." Mira smiled. Now I really knew there was something going on. I looked at Cadence who gave me a big smile. Even my own son knew something I didn't. I knew I was going to have to get it out of Prince one way or another.

That night, Prince and I were laying in bed after putting Cadence to bed. His room was right down the hall and was easy to find if he ever needed us. I was kissing on Prince's neck to try and butter him up to tell me what was going on. Even slipping my hand in his pants to try and tell me. "Baby..." he grinned keeping his eyes on the TV. I took some skin between my teeth nibbling at it. "Tell me what's going on tomorrow..." I was teasing him, torturing him into telling me what he was planning. "I'm just having a celebration with you and a few friends, okay?" Prince grabbed my wrist and I grinned. This wasn't going to stop me. "What kind of celebration?" I kissed lower laying him down. Prince moaned. "Well, we did get a new home together. Cadence is officially my son...why wouldn't we celebrate?" I giggled kissing up his chest. "There's something you've forgotten." I said kissing the tip of his nose. I was laying on him now. "And what could that be?" It all made sense now as to why I was so horny and so late. "I think I'm pregnant." I saw his eyes light up. I kept smiling. "Really?" He asked. I sat cross legged. "Really...I think I am. I'm probably not far along if I am, but...morning sickness started a few days ago. Not to mention, I remember feeling just like this with Cadence." It was true. I was certain I was pregnant. I had my hand under his ribs just stroking his skin with my thumb. Prince was quiet, but I knew he was happy just by the look in his eyes. "But, I'm not for sure...although I'm sure I am." Prince kissed me. "We need to find out...tomorrow morning we can get a test."

The next morning while Mira was taking care of Cadence and Prince was working, I decided to go get a test on my own. I didn't want any of his staff getting it and going to tell Prince. I wanted him to be completely surprised. I went to our bathroom and took the test. I heard Cadence at the door right as I had just finished. "Mama! Mama!" I hadn't gotten my morning hugs and kisses and I knew that always upset him. I smiled opening the door after drying my hands. "Hi honey!" He gave me the biggest hug. I sat on the floor with him. "Mama what are you doing in here?" He sat beside me his head on my lap. "Well, mama's taking a test. A very important test." He picked his head up. It was unfortunate that he had his fathers locks and that he was looking more and more like Jake everyday. But I still loved him. "Do I need to be quiet mama?" I giggled and shook my head. "No sweetie it's a test to see if you're going to be a big brother or not." He seemed confused. I sat him on my thigh. "You know how papa has his brothers and sisters right? That means that his mama and daddy had other babies than just him." I couldn't relate to Prince. He had so many siblings I could barely keep track of them. And I didn't have any. "So, you and papa are going to have a baby?" I stroked his hair. "Maybe. It depends on what this test says. But, you know being a big brother is a big responsibility. I know Prince can tell you about it."  Cadence still seemed confused. "So, there's going to be someone else here? Like...a baby?" I nodded. "But, we can't tell papa til tonight. So we know for sure. And we can find out what his little surprise is." Cadence giggled. He knew what was going on. "I wish you could tell mama, but I know you and papa have a secret huh?" Cadence nodded. I stroked his back. I took the test off the counter to see the sign. It was positive. I smiled so big. I remember when I had found out I was pregnant with Cadence I was so afraid and worried, but with this baby it was going to be easier. I also knew that it was Prince's and so I needed to have a long talk with Cadence. I kissed his cheek. "Go find papa and hand him this okay? I think he should know now." Cadence got up and happily ran to find Prince. I sat on the floor curled up butterflies in my stomach because I was so happy. But I also felt guilty for not being this happy with Cadence. I heard Prince's heels coming towards our bedroom door and I stood up. Prince was holding the test in his hand with a big smile on his face. He scooped me up and kissed me. I kissed back holding his face. I heard Cadence coming too and Prince sat me down. "Am I gonna be a big brother mama?" Prince kneeled down in front of him. "You are, lil man. We're gonna be a family of four now." I smiled and Cadence came over to feel my tummy. I looked at Prince with tears in my eyes because of the overwhelming happiness I was feeling.

That night, Prince popped the question to me. We were getting married! We went to my favorite restaurant and my mother and father were there and a lot of our friend, too. I told them I was pregnant and they were so happy. It seemed like everything was going to be okay. And Jake? Well, he sobered up. Even though he never got to be a musician he moved to Los Angeles and became an actor. He's now one of the most famous actors in the movie business. Prince and I sat Cadence down and told him about his real father, and thankfully it didn't bother  him that Prince wasn't his real daddy. Jake was late on his child support payments, but I know they will come. Cadence always saw Prince as his father even though he went to visit his real dad at least once a month. Jake just wasn't fit for the fatherly role just yet, until he had kids of his own with his first wife. Prince and I? Well, we got married. And as for the baby? There were two of them. Twin girls as a matter of fact.  We named each one after our mothers middle names. Cadence grew up to be a wonderful big brother, Prince and I still live in Paisley Park. And our girls are growing too fast. We went from being two young kids fighting over some big league chew to married and having children. I know I'll always love Prince, even after we go.

The End

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