The letter;)

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"What's this?" I asked, my eyebrows raised, he just walked off as if nothing happened. I opened the letter and wow his handwriting looked like shit...anyways it said 'Meet me at the park tonight, I've got some special news"
Mmm what news could he possibly have that could interest me...maybe all the girls he's hooked up with? Lol

As I got in my car I noticed the group of boys again and they were looking at me with wide eyes as I climbed in, jealous I thought.

I got home and fed my puppy, damn was she cute so cuddly. I had a shower
and washed my hair and shaved...everywhere, not hat I was getting anything tonight but just to be hygienic.
I put on some tights and my cropped hoodie to look a bit decent I guess, and grabbed my keys and my nikes to go meet Cole.

He was waiting there by the park and looked impatient sooo I took my time and irritated him more. He glared at me with those deep eyes. I got out and walked over, he just looked at me like I was stupid and that's when I knew I didn't like him. "What you looking at bastard?" I glared "looking at you, what else must I do?" He glared back "well maybe if you want to start off by explaining the 'interesting' news you've got?" I said while wiggling the paper in the air "ohhh right sorry" he laughed.

"Well your ex is back and is looking for you" "oh so you came here, to tell me, that my wonderful ex has come back looking for me?" I said with sarcasm. "He can kiss my ass"
"Well he probably would mind" he laughed "very funny Cole. Next time you write me a letter saying interesting information give me what's said" I said while I blew a kiss.

Great! My ex is back, looking for me, "Uhggggggg, I hate him, I hate him so much!" I screamed.

*Flash back*
"Baby I'm home" I shouted as I entered the door to our apartment.
Mmm why's he not answering, I swear I saw his car outside. Maybe he's a sleep?
"Ahhh yes fuck Brad!" A girl shouted, what the actual fuck.
I opened the door and saw my boyfriend of 3 years banging a girl, and that girl happens to be my best friend or should I say 'ex' bestfriend.
"What the fuck, Brad, what the hell are you doing!" I shouted as the tears streamed down my face. "I'm so sorry baby, kateland please don't go it was a mistake!" He said not meaning it. "That's not what your were saying 5 minutes ago." Chelsea said as she rolled her eyes. " fuck you, and you you fake assholes" i said while showing them my finger.


I think that night, I cried all my tears. He ruined me, crushed my dreams, my future, my best friend ruined my life and she enjoyed every bit of it! God I don't know some people...they think the world revolves around them!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2020 ⏰

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