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After the 2 women had showered together, they layed together in Alice bed, naked.
Anastasia's thoughts went crazy, and she didn't know what to say, or if she should say anything at all.Alice was on her back, and Ana between her legs. The reporter drew little circles with her fingers on the Latina's stomach and enjoyed her closeness.
Since both were so absorbed in their thoughts, they didn't notice that Ana's mobile phone had already vibrated several times. At some point, the 18-year-old could no longer stand it, and straightened up. She turned on her side so she could look Alice right in the eye. She didn't want to go, but the longer she stayed, the more excuses she had to make up.
"I have to go."
Alice winced, as if someone had poured icy water on her face, and immediately reached for Ana's hand.
"I'm so sorry, Ana, I didn't mean to drag you into this. You don't deserve this, I am such an idiot and.." she didn't get any further, as the 18 year old pressed her lips against Alice's to silence her.Something about that kiss was different than usual. Ana tried to put all her feelings into that kiss, maybe to make a mark.
She was far too afraid to tell Alice how she felt. But she had to do something to calm her nerves, so she tried it with a kiss.
Slowly Ana broke away from Alice and pressed a tender kiss on her forehead before she stood up and gathered her clothes to get dressed.
While Anastasia got dressed, Alice lay in her bed and watched her.
What did these feelings mean? After all, she was married, and her own daughter was very good friends with Ana. And she did not even want to think about Hiram Lodge, what he would do if he knew about their relationship. Just the thought of it made Alice shake her head and pull the blanket tighter.When Ana was dressed, she picked up her bag and looked once more at Alice, who was sitting in bed and apparently hadn't let her out of her sight for a second. Nervously Ana stroked her hair and stepped from one foot to the other. She would love to stay here. Fall asleep together with Alice and wake up together the next morning.
Since it was a strange situation for the 18 year old, and she already felt ridiculous, she turned to grab the door handle when Alice asked a question that made her stop.
"Why did you help me today? I mean, you're taking a big risk here."
The Latina had a hard time finding the right answer. She took a short breath and spoke the words she had always been afraid of. "Because I care about you."


It was 6 o'clock in the morning when 18 year old Ana stood in the kitchen waiting for the coffee machine to be ready. 3 hours earlier the Latina had come home, had showered again, and had prepared the documents for her schoolwork until a few minutes ago. Sleep had been impossible to think of and the smell of all the blood was still in her nose.
Just as Ana took her coffee cup to sit at the dining table, an angry Veronica stormed into the kitchen and without saying anything like good morning dear sister, the lodge's youngest daughter took the coffee from her sister's hand and stormed off again.
What the hell is going on now? Ana cursed and stormed after her little sister, but ran straight into her father.
"Good morning mija. So stormy in the morning, it's a rarity.", joked the mobster.
Nervously, the Latina swallowed and looked at her father. "Sorry, Dad, Veronica's just working on my nerves again. And don't worry I am ready for today."
Before Hiram could answer anything, Anastasia disappeared quickly and ran to her room. But she had completely forgotten that today was the announcement that her mother would run for mayor.
The young Latina was aware that this would be the first step to declaring war. The other mobsters wouldn't be happy about the fact that her mom was put in the spotlight like that. Especially not in such strange times when the underworld is not perfectly in line. But like always - Hiram Lodge would risk everything to be the king. Even his wife and his daughters.
After the press conference had taken place, and of course no one else except Veronica the perfect daughter had given the speech about their beloved mother, another press meeting was scheduled, but just to preserve the image of the family.
Ana watched everything around her and noticed something, something that had always occupied her. She was superfluous in this family. She was different from the rest of the family, and as just now, she was not even noticed. It was like she wasn't even here.
The raging anger the Latina suddenly felt took over and before she could do anything she would regret later, she took her purse and left the apartment.
Anastasia didn't care that Andre saw everything. All that mattered to her in this moment was getting out of here.
The 18-year-old ran away, ignoring her surroundings. She didn't care that she ran across the street without looking. She ignored the honking of the cars. It wasn't until she got to Sweetwater River that she stopped and took a breath.Ana felt lost, a feeling that she knew too well. From her father she knew nothing else, but from her mother... She was more than disappointed. What made Veronica so special? Was she really so different from her sister? Too many questions kept the Mafia Princess busy and she lost track of time.
The tears she had shed had already faded as the Latina set off for home.
It was already dark, and the streets were empty as Ana wandered through the streets. Just before the Pembrook, she spotted two dark figures. Her feeling told her to leave quickly but she resisted and got closer to them. The closer she came the louder the voices became and when she recognized the voices and faces, her stomach contracted for a second . What the hell were Leny and Kowalski doing here in Riverdale?
"We must overthrow him, he has grown too weak. And if he doesn't make the deal, we'll try with his oldest. Why do you think he keeps her out of the spotlight like that?" were kowalski's words, bringing the 18-year-old back to reality.
When the two turned in her direction, she took a step back. She panicked and ran as fast as she could. Only when she reached the pembrook did she slow down. The door was ripped open and a worried Hermione stormed out.

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