girl meets his return

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Walking into topanga's i see my friends all sitting in our usual spot. Not to much has changed since we started high school. Sure the seniors put us in the hole causing a short fracture in our group. But Once we realized it was a lesson that they were trying to teach us about sticking together it brought us closer together and made us stronger as individuals. We even resolved the triangle when lucas choose riley because lets be honest everyone knows there the new Corey and Topanga.

High school has made us realize were growing up and and were gonna be going out into the world soon.

We've all pretty much remained the same. But there have been some small changes individually.

Lucas and Riley started dating shortly after the ski lodge. And ever since then they have been one of those couples that can't be away from each other for more than a minute.

Riley is still sweet lovable Riley, and completely oblivious to most things in the world thanks to the Riley committee. But she's still my best friend.

Lucas decided he wanted to be a jock so he decided to join the football team and is actually pretty good considering he's as strong as a horse he doesn't even work at he just is. His words not mine

Farkle and Smackle are still the genius couple still trying to determine what feelings are. But they do love each other.

Zay well he's still zay, he also joined the football team and to everyone's surprise he's actually good. He claims it's a texas thing.

As for me i like to think I might have gone through the most changes. After my art teacher Mr Jackson said i needed to find who i was and what my voice was. That conversation pushed me to find out who the true Maya was, which also led to Shawn marrying my mom and officially adopting me. Maybe hope isn't for suckers.

"Peaches im so glad your here. "riles im here everyday what's so different about today." I tell her.

" Maya we start our second year of high school tomorrow aren't you excited." Riley says really excited.

"No because that means summers over I can't sleep in late. That means more homework bitchy mean girls. And for some unexplained reason your dad's gonna be our history teacher again." I try explaining to Riley.

"Maya it's not gonna be that bad." Lucas tries to tell me.

"Yeah Maya Lucas is right we will officially be sophomores tomorrow and I for one can't wait." Riley says.

"That makes two of us." Smackle adds.

"This is a an opportunity to enhance our educational experience. this is the first year we can take the psat,s." Farkle says.

"The ps what now Farkle." I say.

"The psat is the pre test to the sat's you know the test you take to see what college you get into" Farkle explains.

"Oh great a test that tells me im not smart enough to get into college yay." I say sarcastically.

"Peaches your smart enough to get into college" Riley tells me.

"Riles have you seen my grades or do me and zay have to sing the song again." i tell her.

"Actually mine are better now" zay says which causing Maya to glare at him.

"Ok I'll shut up now" he says a little scared.

"Whatever guys im hungry" I tell the group heading over to the counter when suddenly i feel someone cover my eyes.

"Miss me babygirl" the voice that I would recognize anywhere whispers in my ear.

"Holy shit Chris." I whisper Turning around Im instantly met with blue eyes I haven't seen in over three years.

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