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(really intense chapter, may be sensitive to some people)

olivia's pov

it's been a week since jack came over drunk. the same day where he broke down in tears while clinging onto me. it breaks my heart thinking back to it, he looked so helpless and i know it's my fault. but the fact that he confided in me for comfort makes my heart slam against my chest.

we sat there for about an hour, in silence with a few sniffles from jack and then he randomly shoots up and leaves my apartment without another word, leaving me utterly confused. his mood is switching up way too much.

first its drunk and playful and then sad and then mysterious, yet i never get tired of it. i could never get tired of him and it's frustrating.

if anything we really shouldn't be bringing each other's guard down, but i can't help but have old feelings return, and i know he feels the same.

i mean he must do, we confessed that we still love each other, but that makes this so much worse, much more worse. we are both in committed relationships, and if even if we did end it with them, would it be a good idea to get back together?

it would only be a matter of time before one of us fucks up again, which we all know will most likely be me. 

it always is me.

i groan and throw my head into my hands, stuff like this stresses me out to the max. too much drama.

"whats up?" neels says, scaring the crap out of me. i panic a bit making up an excuse quickly.

"nothing," i smile, and he looks at me suspiciously, "i just have a headache."

"let me go get you some medicine." he offers.

i shake my, "no it's okay, i already took some."

"you've been acting really weird lately olivia." he states.

"what do you mean? no i haven't." looking at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"yes you have, ever since that prick jack has come back into the picture you've been distancing yourself." he says rudely. i look at him in shock.

"don't you speak about him like that neels." my voice becoming stronger.

"well it's true! you will always take his side no matter what, you and i both know it!" he yells making me flinch. my heart rams against my chest, i know he's right but i can't admit it to myself just yet.

"neels.." i trail off, my eyes full of sorrow.

"don't." he holds a hand up, "tell me something." we both take a deep breath, knowing what he's going to say.

"do you still love him?" he asks finally. our eyes meet and hurt flashes in his eyes, he knows the answer.

i stand up and walk over to him, taking his hands in my own, but he immediately rips them away. 

"don't touch me." he says, his eyes getting dark.

"neels." i say again softly, reaching my hand up to touch his cheek.

he begins walking forward, making me walk backwards until we meet the wall. "i said, don't touch me." he says through his teeth, fear builds up in me.

"you know what the most sick part about this is?" he says, i just stay silent, not knowing what to say or do. "the most sick part is that even when i gave you my all, you were still slutting it up with him, weren't you."

i shake my head as my eyes water, "i didn't cheat neels, i wouldn't do that to you."

his face gets closer to mine, "he can't make you feel as good as i can. we both know it." pure evil laced within his voice. i've never seen him like this, i mean i knew he can get nasty but not evil. 

"don't be vile neels." i say in disgust, but in mostly fright, i struggle to get out of his grasp.

he presses himself against me, he holds my arms and pins them to the wall. my breathing increases to a heavier pace. flashbacks of cameron doing the same thing to me pop into my head.

"please stop." i say in a whisper, tears streaming down my face.

"shut up!" he yells, and i flinch.

he suddenly grips my neck into a choke hold, squeezing tight enough for my breathing to falter.

"n-ne-neels." i struggle to get out of his grasp, losing air.

the look in his eyes, full of void and hatred. i never thought he could be so full of evil. i felt myself slipping away the slightest bit. i've never been caught in a choke hold, not this tight anyways. his hands are bound to leave marks on my neck.

he finally lets go and storms out of the apartment, leaving me alone. i gasp for air and slide down the wall, holding onto my neck. tears fall down my face, that was the scariest moment in my life. i never once thought i would be close to death.

i sit there not knowing what to do. i need to see someone but i don't want to tell them what happened, it would escalate way too quickly and neels would be put in jail. it's probably bad of me to still be caring of him even from what he just did.

i find the smallest amount of strength in my body to stand up and pick up my car keys, driving to the first place i can think of. 


jack's pov

i wake up to my head pounding, yet another hangover. you would think that i would have gotten used to them but nope. i groan and throw my arm over my eyes after i look outside. being blinded by the fucking sun.

i flip over to my side and pick up my phone seeing that it's already one in the afternoon, i check all my notifications. nothing seems very important, so i just scroll through instagram and like a few fan pages posts. i'm really bad at doing that, but i just don't like going on my phone all that much. i really do love our fans though.

my mind thinks back to the other day when i stupidly went to liv's place. my drunken state holding onto that glimpse of hope that we could maybe get back together.

seeing her in a big t-shirt and those knee high socks remind me of the first day i went to her house for that dumb project. she was wearing the same thing, she had forgotten that we were supposed to meet up. she was so cute, and she still is.

i can't believe i broke down like that in front of her, i usually never let my walls down like that, but that just shows what kind of affect she has on me. i would have blamed it on the alcohol in my system but we all know that's not it. i had realized what i was doing, panicked, and got up and left without another word. 

how stupid can i be?

all of a sudden i hear a bunch of commotion downstairs, making me confused. what was causing all this noise?

i get out of bed, slipping on some grey trackpants that rest low on my hips. my head feels the slightest bit dizzy but i shake it off.

i jog down the stairs, walking into the living room.

i freeze when i hear the pained sobs.

olivia's pained sobs.

hi lol x

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