VI: Surpassing One's Self

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It was Sunday, only two days after I cleared the hidden quest and obtained the S-Ranked Dungeon Key. Since I didn't have school, I spent most of my time together with Nico and Bianca, just hanging out and missing out on the week we lost after I got hospitalised.

Outside of speaking with them, I'd figured out a schedule for my daily quest. If I woke up at around 4AM to 5AM, I could do my daily quest in under an hour if I really pushed it. Thanks to my increased stats, fatigue didn't come to me nearly as easily as it had the first time I did it, so there was actually no need to waste my Status Recovery reward.

That being said I also doubled up on the daily quest on Saturday, just to see if I would get another hidden quest. Sadly, that was not the case. The numbers didn't go above two-hundred, and I didn't clear any hidden quests. My best guess about it was that the hidden quest was a one-time deal, or that it had an incredibly long refresh rate. I was banking on the former.

I could have checked with a query, yes, but figuring out things was part of the fun in games... Admittedly, when the game involved my life, I should probably look into things more thoroughly. But I never claimed to be a genius.

It was early in the morning and I'd just finished my run, obtaining my three stat points, when a thought occurred.

What happened to an instant dungeon if I left before I cleared it?

I knew I wouldn't be able to take on the S-Rank dungeon right away, of course, but I was hoping I could take down a few enemies and get some good levels before I left. But what happened once I left? Would the dungeon go away?

"Query," I spoke up. "What happens to an instant dungeon if I leave before the dungeon is cleared?"


[Query: What happens to an instant dungeon if I leave before the dungeon is cleared?]

[Answer: The Dungeon Key will remain in your inventory, and you will be able to re-enter the instant dungeon at any time so long as you use the key in the correct place. If you clear the dungeon, the key will disappear from your inventory except in unique circumstances.]

"Unique circumstances?" I blinked, before shaking my head. "Questions for later. That's really good. It means that if things get too tough in the dungeon then I can just leave and come back when I'm stronger..." I was relieved at that. I liked to think I did have some self-preservation instincts. If the dungeon was too hard, I could leave and come back at a later time when I felt I was ready.

I headed back inside from my morning run, heading to my dorm room and changing from my tracksuit into the leather clothing I'd obtained from killing the Minotaurs. On another note, the fur coat I got from the hellhound was very warm. Lovely, considering it was now early November.

Oh right, I forgot to mention I missed Halloween when I was stuck in the hospital. I wasn't too fussed, Halloween wasn't my thing anyway. The school didn't do anything special for it, we only had two school dances. One near Christmas, and one towards the end of the school year. At least, that's what I'd heard from students that had been here awhile.

I headed to the cafeteria for breakfast, just getting some toast and a bowl of cereal, not that I needed it. Thanks to Grand Caster Solomon's Blessing, I no longer needed to eat or sleep since the buff made sure I was always healthy throughout my lifetime. No matter what, I'd always be in perfect shape. Even if I spent the rest of my days just lounging around in my bed, I'd still look as ripped as I do right now.

Even so, I buttered my toast and ate that first, before I ate my cereal after and drank the milk down to help keep it nice and cool. I just had water for breakfast, orange juice was a mixed bag in the school. Could get no pulp or could get all the pulp.

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