Graduation Exams

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Hello everybody, I have nothing to say except, enjoy.


* Kunieda's POV *

Today was the Graduation Exam and the day Mizuki was going to get his ass kicked. I walked in the class bored. Naruto was here too. I was going to get a seat next to him when some fanboys surrounded me flirting.

" Would you please move. I am busy. I am going to talk to my best friend. I am not interested in you since I don't even know you. So, would you please

BACK OFF!!!!!"

I ignored everyone and went to sit near naruto. The other boys glared at him and I glared back...well, tried to.

Iruka suddenly came into the class. He explained things that I did not bother listen.

" Now for the Graduation Exam, you will do the shadow clone jutsu. When you are called come to the next room. "

Naruto stressed out but I gave him a reassuring smile and he grinned. Well when I say ' reassuring smile ' I mean a ' smile '

" Next, Kunieda Hepburn. " Before going Kiba and Naruto wished me luck. I replied with a big smile and a thumbs up which made kiba have a slight blush.

I went into the room being emo, then I turned to Mizuki and slowly smiled which made him freak out. Iruka sweat dropped.

" Well Kunieda, perform 3 clones. "

I quickly made the hand-seals and ' 'pouf ' I made four clones.

' Where did the fourth come from?' I thought.

" Wow I am impressed! Here chose a headband protector. " I made my clones disappear and picked up a black one and went out. I put it on my forehead.Naruto and Kiba cheered for me.

" Uzumaki Naruto." I sighed but gave him a high-five.

" Come on foxy, you're the best..." Then I thought a moment.

" You're the second best!!!!"

I was waiting outside.Sasuke came next to me " Congrats " I only nodded.

Some minutes later, naruto came out, head down and went to sit on a swing. I went next to him and hugged him from the back " Is my foxy, alright? "

I've always called Naruto 'foxy' or  'naruto' obviously and whenever he asked me why I called him foxy, I lied saying it was because of his whiskers.

" I failed." He said. " Hey it's OK, you'll pass another time! "

" But I wanted to pass so badly..."

At the same time, other kids started to whisper mean things on Naruto.

I stood up " Fine... You know what!!! We'll pass together!!! " with that I removed my headband protector.

" I won't graduate till you don't!!! "

The other kids gasped. Naruto's eyes were widened. " you can't do this..."

" Oh believe me, I can..." I ran inside the academy.

" Iruka-sensei... " he turned to me.

" Yes Kunieda? Do you need anything?"

" Um...actually... I would like to return you this..." I said handing him my headband.

" What?! But why?? You deserved it."

" I know sensei... but I want to pass with Naruto. People say that they understand your feeling when in fact they are only pretending. I understand naruto and that's how I will prove it."

" I know that you care for naruto but you can't take such a risk!!"

" Don't worry, I believe in naruto. Anyway, if you don't take risk, you can't create a future. " with that I left. ( I took the last quote from one piece)

- time skip-

I know what I did was stupid but I know that naruto will pass so it doesn't matter... What if he doesn't steal the scroll...* mentally scream *

'Knock knock' oh... I went to open the door and it was Naruto giggling. He had the scroll with him...good.

We were both practising in the forest. Naruto succeeded in the shadow clone jutsu and I improved mine...a lot. I could do about 500. But naruto could do twice as mine.

We were both on the ground panting. Iruka suddenly came and asked explanation. His gaze softened when naruto told him that Mizuki asked him to steal the scroll. At that moment, Mizuki came.

We all know what happened afterwards. Now, I was running after Naruto and pinned him against a tree. He was about to kick me when he realised it We were listening to Iruka' s speech and Naruto was crying on me...eek...but I let him.

Then Naruto came out and did thousand of clones. I was excited to see this cause' I've only watched it in the anime.

" Maybe I've gone a bit too far.." Naruto said rubbing the back of his head.

Iruka was proud of naruto and covered his eyes. He looked at me and winked. He then gave Naruto his headband and gave me back mine.

Naruto hugged Iruka. Then me too I joined in the hug. Afterwards Iruka bought us ramen.


I'll try to update really soon. Vote and comment... Arigatou

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