Seven seconds in heaven

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FYI: the girls are in there senior year, they are 18 years old. Hanna is together with Caleb, Aria with Ezra, Spencer with Toby, Ali and Em are complicated . Ali is never been missing. And there is no A :D


Me and my 4 best friends were sitting on the floor in Hanna's room. Her mom is on a date with who knows whom, so Hanna invited us over for a sleepover. 

It was half past seven in the evening and we were waiting for the pizza delivery guy. "I hope it's that guy from last week, he was hoooooot." Hanna threw her head back, I chuckled at her comment.  "Hanna you have a boyfriend." Spencer lectured Hanna. "HaNna yOu hAvE a BoYFriEnd" Hanna mocked Spencer. We all laughed. "Yea, no good comeback Han." Spencer chuckled and Hanna grinned at her. "How is Caleb by the way? I haven't seen him in forever." Aria asked. "He is fine, I think. He is busy so I haven't spend much time with him." Hanna said clearly trying to avoid the subject. We all nodded a bit awkwardly trying to come up with an other subject, when the bell ringed. "I'll go get them." I said standing up. "I'll help you." Ali said with a soft smile.  We walk out of the room in silent hearing the other three girls chatting again. 

Ali and I hadn't talked much since we made out in the locker room. Like she can read my mind she said,"We haven't talked much since the locker room event." "Well, you said you were done playing but you're clearly not." I sneered back. "Wait, what? I know I did a lot of things wrong in the past but you can't blame this on me. YOU decided to talk the minimum to me this week. YOU decided to skip our weekly 'day together'. YOU decided to flirt with Paige in the hallway when you knew I could see and hear you, saying things like "I love your new hair Paige, yes I indeed do remember the times I had my hands in your hair, I would love to drink coffee sometimes Paige, bla bla bla." Alison pretended to vomit before continuing. "So, don't say it's my fault that it's still the same situation between us since we were 16. I think you are the one that can't stop playing because I already stopped." The bell ringed again and we walked a little faster to the door. My eyes were wide and I didn't know what to say back. I knew she was right, I only talked to her this week when it was necessary, I skipped our 'day together' which was like a holy tradition of the two of us and I also flirted with Paige on purpose, which wasn't fair to neither of them two. I knew I did it because I wanted to show Ali that I wasn't an easy catch, even not for her, which is bullshit because I am in love with her for over almost 5 years. I also was afraid to get hurt again so I didn't want to let my guards down even tho Ali always saw me without them. And now, now I fucked up the best opportunity in my life. 

When Ali shove two pizza boxes in my hand, I realized I'd zoned out. She walked the stairs in front of me and all I could do was realizing I would never get to touch that ass, and as desperate as(s hehe) that sound, I could kick myself for that. When we walked in Hanna's room, we played liked nothing happened because we both didn't want to girls to find out. They knew we were in a complicated situation but we didn't share all details. 

"Fuck yes, this pizza tastes goooood," Hanna moaned. "You've clearly never been to New York before." Alison said with a grin "Nope, but we should definitely go there with each other." "Well, we still have to make some summer plans, so we just write New York on the places to go list." I smiled to both of them, getting a smile returned from Hanna and a soft nod from Ali. 

After the pizza, Spencer took something out of her bag. It's booze. Hanna, Ali and me smiled and Aria raised her eyebrows. "O come on dear, it's just some booze." Ali said while looking innocent at Aria. "Yeah I know, I drunk some when I was in Europe last summer, but drinking there at the age of 18 isn't illegal." Hanna took the bottle out of Spencers hands and looked at the description. "Don't worry hon, it's made in Russia. There is a European atmosphere. Russia is part of Europe right? "Yes it is, Han." Spencer said laughing. "If you don't want to, you don't have to Aria." I told her calmly. "Well if we stay inside we technically aren't illegal, and it's European, so what the heck?!" Aria smirked and offered her red cup. 

Half an hour later we were a bit tipsy, so when Hanna suggested to play truth or dare we all agreed. Hanna placed the now empty bottle in the middle of the circle we sat in. She spun it and it landed on Ali. Hanna looked at Ali with a smirk and Ali answered with "truth". "hmm, did you ever kissed a girl?" Hanna said with a grin, she already knew because she knew me and Ali had kissed before. Ali rolled her eyes "You already knew that Han." I tried to suppress my smirk. "wait what, you kissed Em?" Aria said with a big smile. Me and Ali both rolled our eyes. And Ali spun the bottle to avoid more questions. It came on Aria. "How old was the oldest guy you kissed besides Ezra?"  Aria turned red for a moment "uh 24" "What was his name?" "uhm.. Jason" Hanna, Spencer and I laughed out loud. Aria kissed Ali's brother, "but you can't blame me because your brother is hot." Aria said with a careful smile. Ali pretended to be fake mad "EW," Ali laughed. "Now it's my turn, I'm so gonna get you back for that question." Aria smiled at Ali. She spun the bottle and it stopped at me. "Em I dare you to take Ali with you for seven minutes in heaven." Aria smirked at me and Ali and I rolled my eyes. "We played that game in middle school Aria, we're not 14 anymore." I said, I really didn't want to be alone with Ali, not now. "Well me and Spenc vote in favor for you to do it, so you gotta" Hanna said. 

Ali stood up and took my hand without looking at me. When I stood up she letted go of my hand. I followed her to the small walking closet. Hanna closed it from the outside, leaving us in the dark with just a small light. First we ignored each other, not even looking. "I'm sorry for my behavior this week Ali," "shut up," Ali said a bit sad. "Ali, please talk to me. I miss the old us." "Shut up Em." "Ali, please" "Em, I swear if you don't shut up, I'm gonna make you." Ali said with a stern voice. I widened my eyes and said "What do you mean?" She didn't like that and walked to me. She pushed me against the wall and stood so close I could feel her breathing. I looked at her lips and saw Ali doing the same. She hungrily kissed me and I kissed back, putting my arms around her waist trying to pull her even closer. 


When she putted her arms around my waist and kissed me back I couldn't be happier. I wanted to pull back to smile to her but I was still a bit hurt of her behavior last week. I putted one hand behind her neck and one hand slightly higher, gripping her hair. She moaned against my lips and it made me wild. I wanted her and nothing else. So I moved my hand from behind her neck to under her shirt. I felt her bare skin while I slowly moved my hand up, until I cupped her breast. I squeezed it a bit, causing us to both moan in each others mouth. Em moved her hands under my skirt and into my underwear. I hitched my breath "are you okay with this?" she asked me. I nodded, it wasn't the first time we did this, it was just a while ago, and I needed her now. She rubbed me and I couldn't help moaning, it felt so good. She smiled and kissed me. When I was about to cum, Hanna nodded on the door, "you'll 7 minutes in heaven will be over in 30 seconds." "fuck" I mouthed to Em who grinned at me. Em took her hand out, and licked her fingers while looking at me. I drooled and we both fixed our hair. 

Hanna opened the door and smirked at us. "What?" "How were the seven minutes in heaven?" I didn't answer and all I could think was "It really was heaven" 

A/N Im sorry guys, this one sucks. Im gonna write better, I promise. I'm in my testweek and it's a busy time guys, I'm sorry!! 

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