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A/N: So sorry! This took quite a while for me to update! But I've been busy with school and my drivers licence :( Hope u forgive me! Also hope your save during Corona! It's a bit short but there will be more updates from now on.
For one last time Handsome Jack pressed the button on his desk. "Cupcake?" He said again in a confused yet clearly annoyed voice. "Where the-?" he mumbled to himself, while getting up and taking the elevator downwards, trying to get a look where you'd be.

That was your chance, quickly you got up and searched for a different way to get out of Jack's office. You looked around the room, the only way to leave was the elevator, so you had to take the risk and use it.
You approached the door and pressed the button which opened it. Your hands were a little shaky. What would happen if he found out you spied in his office? Would he throw you out of the airlock? Would you be fired? You knew that if you made it out of this situation alive, you'd just have to pretend that you've never seen anything of this happen. Handsome Jack was a psychopath, god knows what he'd do to you.

You found yourself standing in the elevator, sweating and praying, that he wouldn't show up the exact moment you came down from his office. The ride felt like an eternity, when the door finally opened.
Jack was looking down at you with an annoyed face. He was taller than you and it frightened you like hell, him standing right in front of you like this. „Play it cool, (Y/N)" you thought to yourself.
„What. In the hell. Were you doing. Up. In my office. ALONE?"
"I-" you stuttered, trying to think of a good answer. Your boss made an even angrier face. "Y-you called me, I was... I was trying to bring your coffee to you..."
You knew he didn't believe you, his face gave it away. His pointy eyebrows looked angry and you prayed this faux-pas wouldn't cost you your precious job. „Alright Pumpkin." Jack said in a not so relaxed voice. „You want me to believe that, just out of a complete coincidence, we missed each other when I called you?" You didn't know what to say. „Y-Yes sir."
His mouth formed an evil smile and he mischievously said: „Well Cupcake, I'll let that one slip. But if something like that happens again, I'll have to punish you." You had to swallow at the thought of what he'd do to you, would he throw you out of the airlock? You knew exactly that's what happened to a lot of other people on this spaceship who didn't behave the way your scary boss wanted them to behave.
„Why are you looking so scared Kiddo? Afraid of what ol' Jackie will do to you?" Yes. In fact you were. You heard him murder your old boss, you knew what he was capable of. And yet you still couldn't see him as a monster. You knew something of John had to be left.
Carefully you walked around him and back to your seat.

You thought about what you saw and realized, there might be a lot more about the man who killed your boss, than you actually knew. You had to dig deeper into what happened, find out more of his story. What turned John into Jack. But how would you do that? You barely knew anyone on this ship and there wasn't anyone you could call a friend.
There was no other solution, you had to befriend someone who worked here a lot longer and possibly knew something about Jack's roots.
A few names crossed your mind. For example that professor Nakayama guy, you knew him because he was basically famous for being obsessed with Handsome Jack. But he was too crazy, heaven knows what would happen if you spent too much time with him. Another possibility was that so called Vaughn, an accountant you had to talk to every now and then because of Hyperions financies. He seemed like a good choice since he wasn't that popular and probably happy to talk to any girl, also it was the only other person you really ever spoke to. He was gonna be your target.

The day passed and you were about to have your lunch break. Usually, you would just take your food to your office, but today you decided to actually have a seat in the cafeteria. Your plan to befriend Vaughn was talking to him while lunch, there was no other time where you'd actually see him. So you ordered your food, looked around and saw him sitting next to a woman with short hair and another, a bit taller guy than him who had brown hair. For a second you felt like in high school again and you built up the courage to walk up to them. „H-Hello." You said. The guy and the women looked at you confused, while Vaughn looked surprised. „I was wondering... may I sit next to you guys?" You asked politely. Vaughns friend with the robotic arm suddenly asked you: „Who...even are you?" You felt your face turning a bit red, when gladly Vaughn helped you out. He spoke to his friends: "Oh! I know her. That's Handsome Jack's secretary. She's " He paused. "What was your name again?" you quickly answered "(Y/N)." Suddenly, the guy who seemed suspicious about you seemed very happy to meet you. He reached for your hand and said "I'm Rhys! Nice to meet you. Have a seat."

Handsome Jack x Reader: Call me Jack, HoneyWhere stories live. Discover now