Ch. 6

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Aika & Skye TM


"Luminesa?" I heard Gavin ask.

"What." I said plainly.

"Stop laughing or that monster is going to head towards us. And you know, boil us and maybe season us with some salt and pepper. Surve us on a steamy plate with garlic and lemon juice, and just to top it off, some mint leaves." He said seriously.

"That doesn't sound to bad." I giggled.

"GET AWAY! AHH!" Calum screamed at the monster.

The monster looked at him with a confused expression, and the funniest thing ever happened.

"AHHHH!!" Calum screamed like a little girl, pointing.

"Don't point Calum thats rude!" I yelled, teasing him.

The monster turned around and walked away.

So much for a fight.

I think the monster thought we were weird and just gave up. I looked over at Laura. "Hey, where are we supposed to go now?" I asked. Knowing that I should be asking myself that question.

She looked at me a bit confused and said "We could head back to village to get more food. We are almost out."

I looked in my bag. I had only one piece of moldy bread.

She was right, we needed to head to the village.

But I didn't want to go back.

I liked it out here.

A plan suddenly popped into my mind.

"Okay how about we split up in two groups. One group can go to the village and get food, and some seeds so we can start a farm and the other group can work on finding a hideout." I said, thinking I was clever.

She thought about it "Who's going to be in what group?"

I didn't know what to say. I had to think about it. I looked at Gavin and Calum wondering will those two get along.

Realizing Calum was glaring at Gavin and Gavin was putting his hands up innocently I realized it wouldn't work out. "Well, maybe we'll- What do you think?" I said asking her.

She face palmed.


AIka talking first..
HAI!! We havn't spoken in a while.
Did ya miss me?
I missed you.
Skye is cray~cray babez.

Skye talking..
So sorry we havent updated in awhile havent had time. AKA all Aika's fault!
Also oranges (just cause)! XD

Have a beautiful, magical, wonder day!

Dont forget
everybodies a cow!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2015 ⏰

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