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India's a nation where goddesses reside.

Over whom Indians take so much pride.

So much that they are feared and respected.

No one dares to do what's not expected.

Why then our women have to suffer so much.

Why do we treat them inferior as such.

All are mothers, daughters and sisters of our own.

Except one, of course, don't act so thrown.

Why can't we treat them as equals.

Some prove their worth better, people.

Even the word 'WOMAN' has a 'MAN'.

You see, that was and is god's plan.

It's a man who comes from a woman.

All we can do is make sure repect is given.

There are men who commit some crimes.

So cruel they are, that they bring out chyme.

I can't do anything but observe for now.

I am just a kid, you know.

But, please worry. You will not go unpunished.

You whole kind will become perished.

I am for now, creating a bridge.

For I know I have you to reach.

You bastards must 'BE AWARE'

I am sure sometime you'll get caught in my snare.

Then I'll catch you, and you will be sad.

'Cause I'm gonna FUCK YOU UP so damn bad.

I will not kill you. No. I don't do crimes.

I will hand you to the public. Now that rhymes.

I will ofcourse fund your castration.

I can't, just can't let you die without frustration.

                                                                                 -Faraz Ahmed Aaswi.

The question still remains, as to why these events happen? Why some of us can't even bear the thoughts of these acts while some of us (humans) do it? 

I have a really simple answer to that. It is the mindset that we males have. And minset cannot be created in a day. It begins from birth. Parents, especially fathers must understand that it is important to teach children to respect women. If the fathers fight their mothers in front of them, then those children, even  teenagers, might object at that point of time, because it is their mother you are fighting to. But what becomes of their perspective about other women, women their age? Males start to grasp the ideology of female inferiority, which actually, doesn't exist. And whose fault is it? That person or the society. Of course both.

So a piece of advice to fathers who are reading this. At least once in your son's lifetime before he starts to disobey you, have a man to man chat and explain to him the atrocities of life most women have to face. That it's not fair, what we do, to add to their troubles. We should reduce their pain not inflict them.

Signing of for now. Got too emotional.

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