Say my Name

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"Say my name," a gravely voice growled. The young boy stayed silent. "Come on, Levi." He lifted his small body with ease, placing him on a flat surface in the storage room. Levi bit his lip to keep from crying out when the older man bit down on his collarbone. "Wear sweaters for the next few days, okay Baby? We don't want anyone to find out how much of a bad boy you've been." Levi nodded swiftly, eyes clamped shut. "Now take it off." Levi kept his eyes closed as he slipped off his clothes. He covered himself, though he didn't know why. It wasn't like this was the first time he had been seen him like this. He grabbed Levi by the wrists and slammed them hard into the ground. "Don't hide yourself from me," the man climbed on top of him, breathing down his neck, "I want to see everything." Levi closed his eyes as he did horrible, unspeakable things to him. "Come on, Levi. Moan for me. Scream my name!" He didn't.

In a way, Levi thought he had won anytime he stayed silent. When he fought against the mans commands, he felt a little more in control. He didn't have to enjoy this. He wouldn't. He was free to feel broken and miserable inside. No one could take that away.

There was only one thing he could to make Levi do whatever he wanted.

"Say my name."


"Say my name."

More silence. His teacher reached towards his neck and gripped loosely.

"Say it."

Fear cut off Levi's words. He panicked as the man tightened his grip. Levi's face began to darken.

"Come on, Levi. I can't hear you." he pushed onto Levi's trachea harder, kneeling it roughly. He couldn't speak. "Come on, Baby. Levi," he cooed, "Levi... Levi... Levi..."


"Levi... Levi... Levi! Wake up!" said a loud, obnoxious voice that obviously belonged to Hange. "Are you planning to sleep all day? You have to tutor today. I know you don't want to miss that." She winked.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Levi yawned. Recently, the raven haired teen hadn't been able to sleep at night. It's not like he wanted to. Recently, every time he slept, he had this weird dream. He didn't know what it meant. It's not like anything like that had ever happened to him before.

"Oh please, I know you like the back of my hand. And to think that day that I say something about love at first sight, you sight your first love!" She giggled.

"What are you talking about?" He knew exactly who she was talking about.

"Eren! The little freshman boy. You've totally got it bad. I've never seen you look or treat anyone like that before. Like that one day when you guys hugged in the library."

"How do you know about that?"

"I hacked the security cameras," Hange said nonchalantly, as if it was the most normal thing in the world. Levi guessed, for her, it was.

"That doesn't mean I love him."

"But you admit you have feelings for him."

He paused, "No."

"Whatever," Hange said, "When you wanna stop lying to yourself, you know where to find me."

Levi decided to take the outside hallways to tutoring today. It was a beautiful spring afternoon and the wind was only slightly gusty. He made a right turn into his favorite little alcove. Maybe he would take a quick smoke.

"Don't be a pussy, kid," said a familiar voice, "Just take a drag." Levi slipped behind the wall.

"No," the unmistakeable voice of Eren said politely, "Thank you." There was a grunt and Eren shrieked.

"You like that, don't you. You know, you're pretty cute for a faggot." Levi reveled himself. Eren was pushed against the wall in a cage of Oluo's arms. On Eren's neck was a burn mark from the edge of Oluo's cigarette which now hung loosely from his mouth. Eren's eyes were full of tears as he sealed himself further into the wall. The welt at his neck began to redden around the edges. Without speaking, Levi walked over to the pair. He punched Oluo square in the nose.

"What the hell, Levi?!" he cried, holding his probably nose. Blood ran down his face and into his mouth, muffling his words. "You don't care about this little prude, do you?"

"Get out of here," Levi said simply. Oluo glared at him. "I said get out!" He grabbed Levi around the waist and took him the the ground. Levi's head with the first thing to hit. Oluo punched him twice. Once in the jaw; once in the eye. The raven haired male kicked Oluo in the stomach hard enough to knock the wind out of him. Levi stood quickly and held Oluo down with his foot. "Don't touch Hange. Don't touch me. And do not touch Eren. Got it?"


"It's bad."

"How bad?"

"Black eye," Eren replied, handing him a mirror. Levi's eye was dark and swollen. Even though Oluo looked soft, he had a hell of a fist. "You've really got to be more careful."

"Yeah, I'll try and think a little more about myself while I'm defending you," Levi snapped. Eren shrunk away and he instantly regretted it. He gave Eren an apologetic smile through the mirror.

After the fight, Levi had driven the two back to his house. Eren had cleaned him up and was examining his wounds. He had done very good. He didn't need to ask what he should and shouldn't use or how he should apply it. Maybe he'll be a doctor Levi thought with a smile.

"I think you're neck looks worse than I do." Levi lightly touched Eren's blistering welt. He sucked in a breathe and bit his lip. "Sorry." he said quickly, caressing the back on Eren's neck instead.

"It's okay," Eren paused, "Thank you. For today and the other day and tutoring and just everything... Thank you." Levi smiled. Never had Levi's heart been more vulnerable.

He put an arm around Eren's waist and pulled the younger boy to him, quickly. At first Eren was hesitant and more than a little surprised. He eventually wrapped his arms around Levi's neck. Levi stepped forward a tiny bit, closing up the space between them. Eren tensed suddenly, gripping Levi's neck tightly.
"Say my name."

Levi began to hyperventilate. He pushed Eren away abruptly.

"Levi. Say my name."

"Are you okay? Did I do something? Levi?!"
"Come on, Baby."


Then he saw black.

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