You're my Home

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"He'll be fine. We just need to monitor him over night. He'll be back at school Friday."

Levi attempted to open his eyes, then decided against it. His head hurt too bad and his eyes felt like they'd been glued shut. Where was he?

"Levi? Did you move?" Eren asked innocently. This was worth the pain. He forced his eyes open a little. Intense hospital light flooded his vision. "Levi!" Eren cried happily. No matter how much he loved that boy's voice, the volume was still an issue at the moment. He clamped a palm over his right ear. "Oh... sorry."

"It's fine. What happened?" He tried to sit up, but his lack of strength let Eren easily push him back to the pillows.

"You fainted. Doctor says it has something to do with the fight. I explained the whole thing and you're not in trouble. You may have a minor concussion, though." Levi could see where Eren came from. His eye felt like someone had poured led in the socket. He slouched back down in the hospital bed, if he was going to be here for a while, he might as well get comfortable. "How do you feel?"

"I almost kissed you," Levi said abruptly. This roused a deep blush from Eren, who was not looking at him, but at the floor.


"Would you have wanted that?" Silence. "Eren," he took his hand trough the boys hair and rested it on the back of his neck. No matter how much pain he had stored in his skull, he knew this was right. No touch from any girl could make him feel this content. No touch from anyone could do that. "Would you?"

"Why?" he asked innocently.

"Why, what?"

"Why me?"

Levi paused for a bit, letting his hand fall. He adjusted himself so that he was staring at the blank, white ceiling. The ceiling that would soon be painted with the greatest colloquialism that his mind had ever come to conjure.

"Hange said something to me a while back. She told me that one day I would find someone. Well, I had already found someone. I had found lots of people. I had found them and gotten bored of them, not even sure why I'd bother to pick them up in the first place. Hange knew that. She also knew how to predict the future apparently because later that day, I looked across the cafeteria and saw you. Mouth full of food, nose all scrunched up," Eren's face darkened with embarrassment, "and I thought you were the most beautiful thing I had ever laid my eyes on. Hange told me that when I saw this someone, I would hear music and see angels. Well, I didn't, but one thing she said was true," Levi turned his head slightly to see Eren, his eyes wide, consuming every word Levi was saying, "You were the only one I saw. Out of all those people you were the only person I saw. Now, after getting to know your personality and learning the in's and out's of you, I'm positive that you will always be the only one I see."

Levi finally looked up at Eren. His eyes were brimming with tears. Eren wasted no time pulling Levi into a tight hug.

"Levi?" Eren asked into Levi's shoulder.

"Yes, Eren?"

"I've never really had a home. My mom died when I was young and my dad was an alcoholic. An abusive one at that. They moved me into foster care when I was four. That's when I met Mikasa. She's been the only constant in my life for these past ten years. She keeps me grounded mostly but at school, she's always busy with sports or friends. I've realized recently that I'm not going to have Mikasa forever. I'm okay with that. She has so much potential that she needs to express. We want different things and I don't want to get in her way. There is one other person that I feel content with, however. Someone who I feel is a home away from a home that I don't have. Someone who, when I'm around them, I feel safe and protected. That's you, Levi. You're my home."

Levi quickly took the boys face in his hands. He wanted Eren's love so terribly it was pathetic. He now knew that Eren wanted the same.

"Visiting time's over," said an incoming nurse.

"Can you give us a second?"

"No, sorry. It's 9:10. Everyone's suppose to be gone at nine. You can see each other Friday. Have a good night."

It was apparent that the nurse was not willing to leave them alone and Eren was not willing to kiss in front of anyone yet. Levi didn't blame him, considering what happened the first time he had kissed someone. He glanced at his off centered nose and wondered what part of Eren's painful past it was from: Jean or his abusive father.

Levi kissed Eren on the cheek before he had time to protest and then laid back down. Eren clutched his blushing cheek, smiled at Levi, and left.

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