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---------- Ronan ----------

I had to say, in all my years of living, I did not expect to die like this. I hoped it would be in battle against someone who was actually worthy of the power they held. Not this dude. Not a guy who manufactured his powers in a lab. Even Haydn had some of my respect- his morals were all wrong, and he'd hurt a lot of people, however his power was entirely natural and earned.

Still, it seemed as though he was far more powerful than we all thought. Irina had stabbed him, and he'd still managed to heal himself. His elemental powers, although not entirely natural, were far more potent than ours. Not to mention the fact that he'd barely had them two minutes, and he was this strong. Who knew what he'd be capable of tomorrow? Next week? Give him a few years, and there was a chance that he could be god-like.

Not that I'd get to see that- currently, I was laying on the floor, unable to move. Irina and David were next to me, and the doctor had picked up Millie and was dragging her away. I wanted to shout, but I couldn't even do that. All I could do was watch helplessly.

"Your friends are gonna watch you die!" The doctor shouted to Millie. "And then I'll kill them, one by one."

I could see that Millie was trying very hard not to cry, but it was no good. Her neck looked extremely painful where the doctor had burned it, although I had my doubts as to whether she was thinking about that. The doctor threw Millie onto the ground, her hands and knees grazing on the gravel.

Now would be a very good time for her powers to return, but I was beginning to think that would be too good to be true. Maybe this really was going to be the end.

"Are you ready, Millie?" The doctor asked, as if beckoning her to beg him. She wouldn't do that, though. She wouldn't beg from the likes of Doctor Geralds. She then looked him dead in the eye, no longer crying. In fact, she looked fearless. Maybe she'd just accepted what was to be. The doctor just smiled at her, though, and then started to conjure something between his hands. It was white in colour, but by no means good. I could sense the power radiating from it- there was no chance anyone would survive that. Not if it was a direct hit.

Millie stood up then, looking stronger than ever. The doctor's ball of power was probably bigger than my head at this point, but the doctor continued to build the energy, not taking his chances with Millie. He had to be sure that it would kill her.

She closed her eyes, but not in fear. More in thought, it seemed. I wondered what she was thinking about. Death? Or something more tranquil? Perhaps what was going to come next?

She took a breath, before opening her eyes, and that was when I saw it. That was when a I saw a glimmer of hope reveal itself.

Millie's eye was glowing silver. I wasn't sure if she noticed this, or if the doctor did, but if it meant the return of her powers, then there was a chance she could survive this. Especially with all the elements at her disposal. It would just depend on whether it happened in time.

The doctor released his elemental bomb, and it fired at Millie like a stone from a slingshot.

It hit her, knocking her flying in the opposite direction- the doctor didn't bother looking to see if she was dead. There was no way she would have survived that.

Millie disappeared into a cloud of fog, which seemed to be as a result of the doctor, but I heard something else where her body should have hit the floor- it sounded like smashing ice.

Could it be?

The doctor wavered my attention from Millie for a second when he erupted into a series of laughter, clutching his belly. He thought it was hilarious. He started walking towards his next victims laying on the floor, but was cut short when a cold breeze cut through the fog.

I narrowed my eyes, seeing a figure standing there.

Millie smiled.


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