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The Peterson's wanted to look perfect and sometimes they did, Joel Peterson was a wealthy businessman, Isabel was the supermodel wife and they even had the all-star athlete son, Matthew. The only thing keeping them from the title of perfection was the youngest Peterson, Raymond. He lived in his brother Matthew's shadow, Raymond Peterson was misunderstood, to say the least. Ray could get on the honor roll all year, get straight A's, and join every intellectual extracurricular club there was to offer and it would all pale next to Matt's volleyball or basketball trophy. Matt was the star, he could do no wrong and it wasn't fair.

All Ray wanted was for his parents to spare even three minutes of their attention. He was tired of trying and failing, so his mindset changed. Maybe he was going about it the wrong way...

It started small, he'd show up late to a class here and there, then he wouldn't show up at all. He found Matt's secret stash of cigarettes that he used to keep by the pool and started smoking them, Matt obviously caught the younger boy and moved the hiding spot. Now, Ray, had someone buy them for him.

Still, nothing but it finally happened when he didn't come home until after dinner.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" Joel Peterson yelled when Raymond walked in the door.

"Honey, I'm home," Ray said with a smug look. "Mmm, still smells good in here."

"Where are you coming from Raymond?" Joel asked with the same tone.

"Potatoes look amazing mom," Ray commented at his now cold plate of food.

"Just answer him, Ray," his mother Isabel pleaded.

"Why?" He turned to his mother. "Because he cares so much?" Raymond scoffed.

"You didn't go to school so where the hell were you?" Joel towered his son.

"With my friends." Ray picked at his nails.

"Where. Were. You." Joel gripped Ray's shirt. "I won't ask again, Raymond. You are 12 and it's almost 10 o'clock."

"Well, father dear," he escaped his grip. "If you must know, I was with a friend supposed to be doing homework, not gonna lie though, not much of that got done." Joel stopped his nonsense ramble.

"Who were you with?" Isabel asked this time.

"If I told you then you'd know what we were up to." He chuckled. "Kevin Apollo," Isabel gasped. "Not the name you wanted to hear?"

"Wait, isn't he that queer kid?" Matt asked, inputting his 2 cents.

"Didn't see you there, fucking creep," Ray mumbled at his brother who'd been listening from the hall.

"What were you doing with him?" Now Ray was kind of scared of the look on his father's face.

He almost went back on it, "as I said, we weren't exactly doing homework, one thing led to another... you can guess." Green eyes bore into green.

"No," Joel shook his head. "I've had enough Raymond! No more of this bullshit, go to your room!"

"Bed without dinner, what are you? My evil stepmother? And what dad, you mad that I like kissing boys or that I was out late?" And just like that Raymond got smacked across the face, Ray nodded his head. "Guess I should've expected that."

He took a look at Matt who was now pretending to pick at his nails, then at his mother who was looking into the sink, crying. Boy, was he wrong to think they'd help him. He cried himself to sleep that night which wasn't unusual for the boy. He really could do anything and they still didn't care.

A week later, Joel Peterson woke his younger son up bright and early.

"Get up," Joel said coldly.

"Sleep well daddy-o?" Ray stretched and jumped when he threw something at him, a uniform.

"Put it on and come to the kitchen," Joel said before exiting.

Raymond looked at the navy blue uniform with distaste, he'd really done it now, they were going to send him away. He put on the uniform and grimaced at his reflection in the mirror. He left his room and passed Matt's, the door was open and he was cleaning his cleats, Ray scoffed.

"Nice knowing you." Ray waved.

"Just boarding school, drama queen." Matt got up.

He was going to tell him thanks for the heads up but was he really surprised? They both entered the kitchen, Joel and Isabel were already seated.

"You're starting Andover Academy today," Joel said like it wasn't a big deal.

"You didn't even let me say goodbye," He was upset, his green eyes stared deep into Joel, he turned to his mother.

Sure, he didn't have many friends but the ones he did have counted and now he would never see them again.

"Maybe this will be good for you?" She gave him a smile and reached for his hand.

"And you two are suddenly concerned for my well being? Too late! And what? You think there won't be other boys at this school?" His chest was rising and falling fast, he couldn't stand them.

"Eat your breakfast so that we can take you." Joel stuffed a forkful of eggs into his mouth, ignoring his outburst.

"Fuck this," he stood up and started walking away. "Come get me when you guys are done pretending we're fine."

He went back to his room and searched for his smokes, that's when he saw the suitcase, guess Isabel got busy last night. Where the hell were they? He checked all of his usual spots but came up empty-handed, she probably tossed them. He sighed before going to Matt's room, he had his on his nightstand. He took two and went back to his room.

45 minutes later they were getting in the car.

"Feels almost special, haven't taken me to school in years." His voice dripped with bitterness. "Should we be singing too."

"Ray, please, not right now." Isabel pleaded.

"Wow, you guys are acting like you're the ones being dumped at boarding school." He sat back.

"Why can't you just take this seriously?" Matt asked with the shake of his head.

Ray glared at him and was quiet the rest of the way. The school was huge and Raymond immediately wanted to go back home or he needed a cig ASAP. When you looked at them you couldn't tell that they hated Ray, they walked into the school and they looked like a normal family but Isabel was the only one that hugged him goodbye.

"Please be good," She said in his ear.

"Oh, mom." Ray said sadly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2021 ⏰

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